Editor : Martin Simamora, S.IP |Martin Simamora Press

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

eGOVsharE 2009 Conference Awal Kolaborasi eGovernment Internasional

Belum lama ini Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa menggelar konferensi eGovernment internasional bertajuk eGOVsharE 2009 di Turki yang telah berlangsung pada tanggal 8-11 Desember 2009 lalu. Tujuan utama adalah mempertemukan seluruh pejabat senior pemerintah, akademisi dan pakar eGovernment PBB untuk menciptakan landasan bersama untuk mengembangkan eGovernment dan pembentukan eGOVNet Consortium.

eGOVshare2009 Confrence merupakan agenda internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh United Nations Development Program (UNDP), eGovernment Centre (eDEM) bentukan Public Administration Institute for Turkey and Middle East (TODAIE), Turkish International Cooperation & Development Agency (TİKA) yang berkolaborasi dengan Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC). eGOVshare2009 diselenggarakan di Antalya, Turki dibawah koordinasi eDEM.

ICT kini telah teraplikasi dihampir semua prosedur pemerintahan (e-Governance) yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kinerja pemerintah dan berbagai lembaga pemerintah agar efisien, transparan, akuntabel. E-Governance diyakini akan menciptakan interaksi antara berbagai lembaga pemerintah dengan masyarakat. Dan di Turki PBB memotori e-Transformastion Pelayanan Publik dari e-Government Menuju e-Governance.

eGOVshare2009 mempertemukan banyak pejabat senior pemerintahan di seluruh dunia, para akademisi, para pakar eGovernance UNDP untuk berdiskusi dan saling berbagi pengalaman untuk dipelajari dan mendapatkan Best Practice dalam penerapan e-Government.

eGOVshare2009 juga menciptakan sebuah landasan umum yang memungkinkan berbagai Negara dan para pakar untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai kemungkinan kolaborasi yang memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran pengalaman implementasi berbagai proyek e-Government di seluruh dunia.

eGOVshare2009 pun menaruh perhatian yang tajam pada upaya untuk membangun proposal kebijakan bersama penerapan e-Government dan strategi e-Government yang berkaitan dengan kemananan digital dan kesenjangan digital.

eGOVshare pun menjadi pijakan mendasar dan penting untuk pembentukan sebuah jaringan eGovernment yang bersifat permanen yang melibatkan seluruh pemimpin e-Government regional atau seluruh pemimpin proyek e-Government, yang dinamai eGOVNet Consortium.
eGOVshare dibuka dengan sebuah panel pembuak bertajuk “Challenges and Opportunities of e-Transformation in Public Administration: Regeneration of eBureaucracy” ( Tantangan dan Peluang Transformasi Elektronik Pada Pelayanan Publik: Regenerasi Birokrasi Elektronik) yang disampaikan oleh Jane E. Fountain, Direktur National Center for Digital Government dan Turksel Kaya Bensghir ,Pendiri/Direktur e-Government Center (eDEM) of Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East.
Setelah panel pembuka selanjutnya berturut-turut tujuh sesi panel lainnya yaitu; Challenges to e-Government, Knowledge Management, Legal, Security and Trust Issues in e-Government, Measuring e-Government, e-Participation, m-Government (mobile Government) dan berbagai topic lainnya seperti; e-government standards, e-Learning, Document Management.

eGOVshare2009 juga melakukan berbagai diskusi mendalam yang melibatkan Kelompok Kerja (working Group) dan juga membicarakan berbagai pelaksanaan e-Government di berbagai Negara. Selengkapnya berbagai topic bahasan dalam berbagai panel eGOVshare2009.
Sesi I : Challenge To e-Government dengan topic bahasan: Information Society and eGovernment in Turkey, eGovernment and Service Innovation: Challenges and Drivers, Open Street Surveillance in the UK and Turkey, A Model Development for Needs Hierarchy and eGovernment Services?, Turkey’s Electronic Industry Property Registration Experience, An Analysis of Turkish Electronic Public Procurement Implementation, Helping Government in Disaster Management Through GIS Applications, eGovernance Project, UNDP Moldova.

Working Group A : Administrative Reform Process anf eGovernment dengan topik Turkish Case for eTransformation in Public Administartion.
Sesi 2 : Knowledge Management dengan topik bahasan; Knowledge Management Initiatives in Malaysia, Knowledge Orchestartion : The Compability with Organization,People, Technoogy, and Process in Public Organizations, An eGovernment Information System Framework:Turkish National Agency Software Project), Defining Stable Aggregations of Municipalities to Reduce Administrative Fragmentation.

Sesi 3 : Legal Security and Trust Issues in eGovernment dengan topic bahasan; eLegislation in Turkey, eNotary within eGovernment Turkish Case, Communicating Security Using ICT Launch Confrence in Rome, Information Security Management System : A Case Study in Turkey, Critical Infrastructure Protection Status and Action Items of Turkey, Protection of the Private Information on Governmental Network, UNDP Jordan.
Working Group C : eGovernment Project Management dengan topic : A New Model of Public Private Partnership for eGovernment Project Implementation, e-Governance in Bulgaria 2001-2009,UNDP,Bulgaria, Opne Source BPM as eGovernment Cooperation Model, The International Public Software Initiative in Latin America and Caribbean, UNDP Brazil.

Sesis 4 : Measuring eGovernment dengan topic bahasan; Measuring eGovernment, Measurement and Information Society:Turkish Case, Measuring the Quality an eGovernment Folksonomy, Qualitative Evaluation of Local Electronic Government in Developing Countries, Measuring den IS, Comparable Statistical Indicators of Turkey and An Assesment of the Magnitude of Digital Divide,
Sesi Khusus : Turkish eGovernment Project Presentations; From Seal to electronic Signature:eCertification for Guarantee and After Sale Services Certificates, eGovernment Application in Turkish Military of Defence, HAVELSAN, National Judiciary Informatics Project, Mobile Democracy Institution- Mobile Technologies for Democarscy in “local”.

Sesi 5 :eGovernance dengan topic : Information and Communication Technologies, and Civil Society : Bottom-up Pressure Building in Turkey, eParticipation, eGovernance for Development in Bangladesh Perspective, Better Integration of Immigrants in Swedish Society Through ICT, Enabling Disabling Voters Via Mobile Democracy, eGovernance Academy, Estonia.
Working Group D; eGOVnet menghadirkan penara sumber : Prime Ministry eGovernment Unit, Turkey, Director of eGovernment Center,TODAIE Turkey
Sesi 6 : mGovernment dengan topic; Enhancing eGovernment via Mobile Government, Public Private Partnership Mobile Government User-Centric Value Chain : An Industry Approach, mGovernment in Developing Countries: Leveraging Mobile Technology to Enable Better Governance.

Turkish eGovernment Project Presentations; Prime Ministry Communications Center,
Country Cases I : eIdentity/eRegistration/eJustice dengan studi kasus : eGovernment Readiness The Performance of the OIC Member Countries, The State of eGovernment and Its Application in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, MERNIS Project, Turkish ID Card and Electronic Authentication System in Government, Address Registration System, National Spatial Data Infrastructure Related Projects in Turkey, SMS Justice Information System, UYAP Supreme Court Information System, National Judiciary Informatics Project within the Framework of eGovernment Application in Turkey : An Evaluation.

Country Cases II :eHealth Progress in Turkey 2004-2009, Turkey’s Telemedicine Project, Country Case of Electronic Patient File, Social Security Institution Grows with eGovernment Applications, Social Assistance Information System (SAIS), eGovernment Studies at Ministry of Education in Turkey, A Study of Teacher’s Acceptance of eLearning Technology: TAM as the Core Model.

Country Cases III : eCustoms, Qatar Customs Clearance Single Window-Toward Next Generation of eGovernment Integration, eConsulate.
Turki yang tergolong sebagai anggota Uni Eropa walau bukan pelaku ekonomi utama di Eropa namun untuk implementasi eGovernment pada European eGovernment Awards 2009 lalu di Swedia berhasil menjadi pemernang untuk kategori Public Price berkat layanan SMS Center untuk informasi hukum dan perkara bagi pengacara, dan tentunya secara tak langsung menjadi salah satu wakil Organisasi Konfrensi Islam yang menjadi bagian E-Europe+ Initiative selain tentu saja menjadi bagian penting Statistical Economical and Social Research Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).

(Martin Simamora)

(Tulisan diatas pernah disajikan di wartaegov.com oleh penulis yang sama )

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