A new generation of open, flexible and collaborative eGovernment services is needed to empower European citizens and businesses, to improve their mobility within the internal market of the 21st century and to ensure that public services can serve an economy which relies on the networks of the future.
The European Commission aims to support with its eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 the provision of a new generation of eGovernment services for businesses and citizens. The Action Plan identifies four political priorities based on the Malmö Declaration, agreed on 18 November 2009 at the 5th Ministerial eGovernment Conference in Malmö, Sweden
Empower citizens and businesses
User empowerment is the key characteristic of a new generation of eGovernment services. Users increasingly expect to receive services designed around their needs and developed in collaboration with them. Other crucial milestones to focus on are; better access to public sector information, transparency of governments and public administrations and effective means enabling the active involvement of citizens and businesses in the policy-making process based on newly available technologies. The main adage for public administrations is that; users must always be at the centre of their actions.
Priority 1.1: Services designed around users needs and Inclusive Services
- Action 1: Support Member States in developing eGovernment services
- Action 2: Development of personalised online services
Priority 1.2: Collaborative Production of Services
- Action 3: Assessment and recommendations on involving users in design and production of eGovernment services
- Action 4: Exchange of knowledge and expertise, agreement on common targets for the roll out of collaborative services
Priority 1.3: Re-use of Public Sector Information
- Action 5: Common set of PSI re-use indicators
- Action 6: Study on open data and/or PSI portals development and implementation by MS
- Action 7: Exchange of good practice and awareness-raising activities, adoption of an internal PSI strategy
- Action 8: Review of the PSI Directive
Priority 1.4: Improvement of Transparency
- Action 9: Set common voluntary transparency targets and exchange of available experiences
- Action 10: Online access to information on government laws and regulations, policies and finance
- Action 11: Information and electronic access on personal data hold by Member States
Priority 1.5: Involvement of citizens and businesses in policy
- Action 12: Development of the electronic service to support ‘citizens initiatives’
- Action 13: Assessment of existing research projects and launch of new ones under the objective 5.6 of the FP7-WP20011-12
- Action 14: Development of services involving stakeholders in public debates and decision-making processes
Reinforce mobility in the Single Market
Internal Markets
eGovernment should support the further construction of digital single market. There is a need to do ground breaking work: the delivery of cross-border services and the stimulation of mobility for citizens and businesses. Substantial problems remain to be solved in the transferability of public services such as those related to social security, health benefits, pensions and other personal services. Obstactles impeding eProcurement across borders need to be removed. The current barriers can be broken down by means of high quality eGovernment services, by facilitating mobility for citizens and businesses, and by creating synergies in eGovernment solutions.
Cross-border cooperation between public administrations governed by different cultures, languages, legal traditions, incentives and concerns is certainly a challenge. The actions proposed to reinforce the digital single market aim to strengthen cooperation in order to deliver an easier provision of eGovernment services for businesses and citizens across borders.
Priority 2.1: Seamless Services for Businesses
- Action 15: Outcomes assessments of PEPPOL and SPOCS
- Action 16: White paper on practical steps to inter-connect eProcurement capacity across the internal market
- Action 17: Roll out cross-order services based on the results of PEPOL and SPOCS
- Action 18: ‘Second generation’ of points of single contact
Priority 2.2: Personal Mobility
- Action 19: Supervision of the exchanges of best practice, coordination of the efforts for development of eDelivery services
- Action 20:Cross-border and interoperable eDelivery services for citizens
Priority 2.3: EU-wide implementation of cross-border services and new services
- Action 21: Study of the demand for cross-border services, assessment of the organisational, legal, technical and semantic barriers
- Action 22: Agreement on key cross-border public services
- Action 23: Roll out Large Scale Pilot projects and start new ones, coordination and re-use of results & solutions
- Action 24: Implementation of cross-border eEnvironment services
Enable efficiency and effectiveness
Efficiency and Effectiveness of Governments and Administrations
This priority includes the reduction of administrative burdens and introduces the topic of organisational change in the European eGovernment agenda. The latter includes the horizontal integration of processes across administrative boundaries, the vertical integration of front and back-end processes as well as the collaboration with private and civic parties. In addition, this priority meets a legitimate concern to make the best use of ICT to reduce the carbon footprint.
Priority 3.1: Improving Organisational Processes
- Action 25: Facilitate exchanges of experience, successful solutions and applications, exploring new approaches improving organisation process
- Action 26: Transformation of ePractice.eu in experience exchange and information tool
- Action 27: Implementation of the eCommission Action Plan for 2011-2015
- Action 28: Programme for staff exchanges between Members State’s administrations
Priority 3.2: Reduction of Administrative Burdens
- Action 29: Sharing of experiences on implementation of the ‘once-only’ registration principle and on electronics procedures and communications, cost-benefit analysis and roadmap design
Priority 3.3: Green Government
- Action 30: Study on eGovernment potential to reduce carbon footprint
- Action 31: Indicators and evaluation procedures for measuring the reduction of the carbon footprint thanks to eGovernment services
his Action Plan contributes to a knowledge based, sustainable and inclusive economy for the European Union, as set forth in the Europe 2020 Strategy. It supports and complements the Digital Agenda for Europe
Create the necessary key enablers and pre-conditions to make things happen
Pre-conditions for Developing eGovernment
A number of pre-conditions need to be satisfied to allow for secure and efficient electronic collaboration between Member States. Actions in this respect include the development, deployment and interoperability of ICT infrastructures. Attention must be payed as well to the benefits of open specifications as a means to promote interoperability, to key enablers to improve existing and develop new services, and to the innovation of eGovernment service architectures through research and development, pilot projects and other implementation schemes.
Priority 4.1: Open Specifications and Interoperability
- Action 32: Put into action the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and the European Interoperability Strategy (EIS)
- Action 33: Exchanges of expertises, promotions of the re-use and sharing solution to implement interoperable eGovernement services
- Action 34: Alignment of national interoperability frameworks to the EIF
Priority 4.2: Key Enablers
- Action 35: Revision of the eSignature Directive for cross-border recognition and interoperability of secure eAuthentification systems
- Action 36: Decision to ensure mutual recognition of eIdentification and eAuthentification
- Action 37: Apply and roll out the eID solutions
Priority 4.3: Innovative eGovernment
- Action 38: Apply emerging technologies and paradigms in public sector
- Action 39: CIP programme to upgrade IPv6 on a large scale
- Action 40: Pilot projects for innovative architecture and technologies in eGov
General Scope
The Action Plan aims at maximising the complementarities of national and European policy instruments. Its actions support the transition of eGovernment into a new generation of open, flexible and collaborative seamless eGovernment services at local, regional, national and European level that will empower citizens and businesses.
There are strong political and economic reasons for European collaboration in eGovernment. Joint action and knowledge sharing at EU level contributes to overcoming the current economic crisis, by using public resources more efficiently.
The Commission's main mission is to optimise the conditions, for the development of cross-border eGovernment services provided to citizens and businesses regardless of their country of origin. This includes the development of an environment which promotes interoperability of systems and key enablers such as eSignatures and eIdentification. Services accessible across the EU strengthen the digital single market and complement existing legislation in domains like eIdentification, eProcurement, eJustice, eHealth, mobility and social security, whilst delivering concrete benefits to citizens, businesses and governments in Europe. The Commission will lead by example in further implementing eGovernment within its organisation.
The combination of all these efforts should lead to an increase of the take-up of eGovernment services. By 2015 50% of citizens should use eGovernment. The target envisaged for businesses is 80% by 2015.
European Commission Information Society
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
EU Implements e-Government Action Plan 2011-2015
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