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Capital Planning Software
The Department of Commerce (DOC) has moved its capital planning tool (eCPIC) to GSA's private cloud hosting platform. This budget management and reporting tool allows DOC to more effectively manage its resources and track how it is spending taxpayer dollars. By moving to a cloud solution, DOC is now be able to have a centralized capital planning tool across the agency – allowing for insight into all programs at once instead of each program in isolation.
Website Hosting
The US Census Bureau used cloud computing technology during the 2010 Decennial Census to provide cost-effective and accurate delivery of its services to the public. Prior to the 2010 Census, the US Census Bureau had no direct experience upon which to gauge the level of new infrastructure it would need handle the elevated traffic to its website. The 2010.Census.gov website attracted up to five million hits a week at its peak, double the traffic of the bureau's legacy website. Additionally, by using a cloud solution the Census Bureau was able to feature video clips, blogs and other interactive content aimed at motivating citizens to participate in the 2010 Census.
Collaboration Services and Information Portal
The Commerce CIO Council currently has no centralized collaboration environment and does most of its work via email. DOC is looking to cloud solutions to provide an online resource library for agency staff, reduce the number and size of email messages, enable calendar sharing, automate workflow where helpful, enhance the efficiency in responding to data-calls (e.g. enable online submission of data-calls responses), and provide a real-time collaboration environment with multiple authors contributing to a document simultaneously.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is in the process of moving its 25,000 employees’ email, calendar and collaboration tools to the cloud. By moving to cloud-based services, NOAA will be able to replace approximately 19 email servers, various home grown collaboration servers and two separate calendar systems all managed within the current NOAA infrastructure. The cloud-based service will improve reliability with built in redundancy, improve the ability to conduct e-discovery and greatly enhance NOAA's ability to collaborate among a geographically dispersed enterprise.
Document Management
The Trademark Document Retrieval System offers the public and US Patent and Trademark Office staff an advanced electronic portal for viewing, downloading, and printing an array of information and documents in the official trademark application file, including all decisions made by trademark examining attorneys and their reasons for making them. It allows users to download the trademark artifacts in both their native/original format as well as in PDF (the previous system only allowed PDF downloads), provides access to larger size documents than before (up to 11,000 pages), and gives users access to multi-media files (the older system only showed image files).
Employment Verification
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched E-Verify Self Check in March 2011 as a free, Internet-based service application that workers can use to confirm employment eligibility in the United States. Self Check is currently available in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Virginia and the District of Columbia, and it will be available nation-wide within the next 12 months. This new service improves the security posture of government IT systems by providing a mechanism by which DHS can validate identity and therefore control secure access to applications and services.
Data Center Services (Private Cloud)
DHS is implementing a private cloud capability within its two enterprise data centers to enhance sharing sensitive information across the Department. By June 2012, DHS will have migrated 100,000 email boxes and 90,000 collaboration accounts to these new services, and the more than 230,000 DHS employees will be able to use enterprise-wide authentication services, streamlining their access to departmental applications and services.
Website Hosting
DHS is in the process of consolidating all of its public-facing websites. Currently, DHS uses different and disparate content management system platforms, which are managed and hosted independently, making it difficult for users to easily find information about DHS services. By June 2012, DHS will migrate 50% of its primary public websites to a public cloud hosting service, which will reduce hosting costs up to 10%. Each website on this service will be available 100% of the time, ensuring DHS information is always available to the public.
Multimedia Portal
The Naval Systems Sea Command (NAVSEA) is in the process of deploying a cloud-based multimedia tool to communicate information to its Undersea Warfare Center Division. NAVSEA's Enterprise Real-Time Digital Signage (NERDS) communicates instantaneously to viewers different types of services (news, emergencies, weather conditions, etc.), augmenting traditional communication, such as email, intranet, Internet, and printed media, by displaying content on digital displays connected to media players. In order to do this effectively, NAVSEA needs a solution that allows for rapid prototyping as well as an application that does not require a software footprint on a user's computer. NAVSEA is leveraging the Defense Information Systems Agency's (DISA) cloud infrastructure offering, the Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE) in order to develop and host NERDS and is expected to be fully operation by December 2011.
Application development and testing environment
The United States Army (Army) has a need to develop small web and mobile applications in order to support its troops at home and abroad. From March 15 to May 15, 2010, the Army sponsored its first internal application development challenge called Applications for the Army (A4A). The Army leveraged DISA's RACE in order to provide teams with a solution in order to build applications but also test them on emulated BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Google Android, and other mobile applications without having to provision hardware. During the 60 day A4A competition, over 140 soldiers and Army civilians developed over 50 applications for use within the Army.
Trip Cost Estimator
The Department of Defense's (DoD) Trip Cost Estimator (TCE) is a web-based budget planning tool that allows users to calculate the travel costs of temporary duty assignments, including air, hotel, car, and meals. By hosting this service in the cloud, DoD will be able to extend access to the entire Federal government.
Geospatial Services
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is implementing a cloud-based Geospatial Information System platform, which will visualize transportation-related data through maps and other tools to make them more understandable and useable. In addition, the data will be presented in formats that other users can download and use in their own applications. DOT has at least 30 data sets that will be ready for the platform when it is released in Summer 2011.
Application Development and Testing
DOT has a need to create or certify up to 50 small, business-centric applications a year. Currently, creating these applications incurs a high cost and takes a long time. By implementing a cloud-based platform called Agility, DOT will be able to create small applications quickly at a lower cost.
Website Hosting and Content Management
DOT is creating a central, collaborative web management tool hosted in the cloud. This Content Management System will help standardize content for consistency across DOT websites, while reducing the time and cost of development. By summer 2011, DOT will migrate its initial modal website to this new management tool. Up to three additional websites are expected to be deployed the following year.
Survey Services
The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) collects data on key education and civil rights issues in our nation's public schools for use by the Department of Education (Education) as well as policymakers and researchers outside of Education. The CRDC collects information about students in public schools, including enrollment, educational services, and academic proficiency results, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency and disability. By moving to a cloud solution, the CRDC was able to survey over 15% more school districts and make the surveys easier for districts to fill out by tailoring each survey so only applicable information was requested.
Agency Private Cloud Services
Education is implementing a private cloud capability to offer Infrastructure as a Service offerings internally. By consolidating Education’s IT infrastructure under this offering, Education is expecting improved asset utilization by 60-70%, a reduction in overall costs, improved service to its users, and greater agility in demand across the agency.
Education is making efforts to shift to cloud deployment for email. Education plans on migrating to a split-domain hybrid model allowing for some users to run on-premise and some to run in the cloud. Education plans on migrating up to 6,200 inboxes to the cloud in an effort to reduce cost and increase operational efficiencies.
Website Hosting
The Department of Energy's (DOE) main website Energy.gov is currently hosted on an internal hosting environment. DOE is in the process of moving Energy.gov to a more robust cloud hosting environment in an effort to reduce service costs by up to $50,000 a year while providing an enhanced platform and modernized services for citizen engagement.
Digital Certificate Security Services
DOE’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) creates, manages, distributes, uses, stores, and revokes digital certificates for DOE websites and other services. DOE is in the process of moving its PKI from an internal solution to a cloud model that reduces the number of systems from nine to three and also provides a high availability environment, both of which will result in overall service cost reductions for DOE.
Grants Management
DOE processes thousands of grant applications a year. Currently, DOE processes grants across 30+ offices. DOE is in the process of developing a single enterprise-wide, end-to-end grants management system that will use a standardized process for the management of grants. By using a cloud system, DOE will now have insight into grants (from application to award) across all offices in an effort to streamline the grants process and strive to reduce the overall cost of a grant transaction.
Internet Security Services
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has moved to a cloud-based service in order to provide the agency with perimeter security and intrusion detection capabilities on its infrastructure. This allows EPA to have timely identification and response to emerging Internet threats and cyber attacks on its network and systems. By moving to a cloud solution, EPA was able to realize a three times performance increase at the same current cost.
Enterprise Service Desk Services
EPA is looking to the cloud to provide its enterprise service desk infrastructure. By moving to the cloud, EPA expects the agency will be able to execute more effective call center/help desk incident and problem management activities while taking advantage of basic economies of scale. The cloud model is expected to consolidate 12 existing agency IT Help Desks.
The EPA has endeavored over the last several years to consolidate a highly distributed e-mail hosting infrastructure – reducing both the number of hosting locations and the total number of servers required to service EPA’s Federal and contractor staff. These efforts give EPA a strong technical transition governance structure allowing EPA to analyze cloud email solutions in an effort to reduce the overall cost of its current email solution and provide more reliable services to more than 25,000 users.
The General Service Administration’s (GSA) current email solution is hosted on traditional infrastructure. GSA is in the process of moving to a cloud hosted solution for more than 17,000 users. This new cloud solution will provide faster upgrades, reduce costs to centralized management, reduce need for lengthy and costly procurements of IT assets, and overall better customer service. Additionally, GSA will save over $3 million a year (a reduction of 50%) in operating costs by using a cloud solution.
Power Management Services
GSA has installed MaaS360, a cloud-based service, on each GSA workstation. MaaS360 manages the power settings for more than 17,000 GSA workstations and OCIO infrastructure servers. By using a cloud solution, GSA is realizing more than $200,000 in savings over the software MaaS360 replaces. It will also help GSA see over $400,000 in cost avoidance due to reduced power costs, and reduce GSA's carbon footprint by over 4.8 million carbon pounds a year.
Correspondence Tracking
GSA is currently implementing a cloud solution in order to document communication that has been received from Congress and associated agency responses. By using a cloud solution, GSA will be able to track when a correspondence has been received all the way until a response has been processed across the entire agency.
Agency Private Cloud Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designed and is in the process of creating and operating three private cloud implementations designed to incorporate JAVA-based systems and databases to create applications for use across the FDA. By using the cloud, FDA was able to reduce systems to service by a ratio of 24 to 1 which reduced comparable hosting costs by 87.5%.
Reports Management
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is deploying its Audit Resolution system as a cloud-based service. The system links audit reports with the appropriate grantees. By launching it in the cloud, ACF is expecting to reduce the cost of hosting this solution by 49%.
Grants Management
ACF has shifted the development environment for its comprehensive grants management system, GrantSolutions.gov, to a cloud-based infrastructure in February 2011. By migrating the production environment to the cloud, ACF expects to be capable of supporting periods of high-volume processing with over 25,000 grants processed per year.
Infrastructure Services
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) currently uses a traditional hosting environment for its Storage Area Network. By moving to a cloud-based model for this service, HUD expects to cut the provisioning time for new servers and storage space by 50% as well as have more predictable costing for services used.
Email Infrastructure
HUD's current email system, Lotus Notes, was previously hosted on traditional infrastructure. HUD is migrating the 13,000 users on this hosting solution to a cloud solution. HUD expects to have faster and more agile provisioning while experiencing more predictable costs.
HUD is currently exploring transitioning its email and SharePoint services for 13,000 users to a cloud technology solution. The current email and SharePoint environment is supported via a traditional infrastructure managed service requiring dedicated software, services, storage, and management components. By evaluating a cloud environment, HUD expects to have faster provisioning of new users, be able to rapidly scale services, and have more predictable costs for the services used.
The Department of Interior (DOI) is looking to the cloud to replace its current email solution. By moving to the cloud, DOI will replace 13 separate email systems with a single email system that supports approximately 85,000 users across DOI. The resulting cloud-based system will provide new capabilities such as instant messaging and a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%.
Website Hosting
DOI.gov is DOI’s primary website used for communicating with DOI's various stakeholders and broad constituency with over five million visits a year. DOI currently hosts DOI.gov in a traditional hosting environment and is susceptible to service outages when there are surges in hits on the site. By moving to a cloud-based implementation, DOI will improve reliability due to a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%.
Collaboration Services
The National Fire Plan Operations and Reporting System (NFPORS) is a web-based service that collects and reports on the plans and accomplishments of six Federal agencies in reducing the impacts of wildland fires on Federally-managed lands. NFPORS is moving from its current hosting solution to a cloud-based implementation that will reduce operational costs by $90,000 over four years, a 60% reduction in cost.
Infrastructure Services
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is looking to the cloud to provide a hybrid cloud storage solution for the Executive Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) to increase the overall data storage capacity for all United States Attorneys Offices (USAO) and reduce the overall cost of data storage for the organization (reduce cost per gigabyte of storage). DOJ plans on procuring a 100 terabyte vendor storage solution to allow 18,000 USAO employees across 250 locations and 94 districts to have an easily accessible storage service within the USAO Wide Area Network.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is looking to move its 7,500 users in 260 office locations across the country to a cloud hosting solution. By moving from its current solution to a cloud solution, ATF expects to reduce operational costs by $100/user per year, eliminate over ten servers, improve scalability, add enterprise collaboration services, add email archiving, and increase service reliability.
Capital Planning Software
DOJ is moving from its current capital planning tool to GSA's private cloud offering (eCPIC). DOJ will use GSA's solution for investment planning, lifecycle cost tracking, portfolio management and annual budget exhibit preparation and reporting to the Office of Management and Budget. By moving to GSA's cloud offering, DOJ will eliminate the internal costs of approximately $50,000 per year for software hosting, security management, software maintenance testing, and help desk support.
Website Hosting
The Department of Labor (Labor) uses Disability.gov in order to provide thousands of resources to create an interactive, community-driven information network of disability-related programs, services, laws and benefits to the American public. By using a cloud hosting solution, the Department expects to avoid 60-75% of additional bandwidth charges and save approximately $55,000 per year. Additionally, this cloud solution will allow Disability.gov to triple the number of people it serves by making it possible for the site to host special events for outreach, a capability not previously available.
Currently, the Department of Labor has nine different email systems serving over 17,000 email inboxes. Labor is looking to the cloud in order to consolidate these email solutions into a unified email solution which will achieve cost savings as well as provide new collaboration capabilities not available currently.
Email Archiving
Currently, the Department of Labor provides email archiving on a traditional dedicated infrastructure platform. In order to save costs and provide for a more robust email archiving solution, Labor is in the process of analyzing cloud solutions for its 17,000 users.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is in the process of developing a cloud email pilot in an effort to improve email services for its 5,500 users. NARA is looking to validate the functionality of cloud email systems including record storage, management and export, human interface and usability, and addressing training issues and challenges.
Employee Records Management
NARA uses the cloud-based Security Clearance Tracking System (SCTS) to manage and track data for over 6,000 background investigations and security clearances. NARA previously utilized multiple systems and spreadsheets that separately tracked data for staff, visitors and contractors. This new system allows for better management of tasks and data by integrating capabilities of the legacy systems into a single system while also uniting multiple data sources into a single authoritative data source. By integrating directly with the Office of Personnel Management’s eDelivery system, SCTS has reduced the time it takes to process completed background investigations from 2 weeks to 2 days.
FOIA Case Management
NARA is moving to a cloud solution in order to concurrently manage and track cases for mediation of FOIA requests cases as well as provide a public web portal to communicate to and educate the public on matters related to FOIA and FOIA disputes. This new web portal will allow for online submission of service requests as well as status of requests – something that is not available currently. With more than 500 cases expected in Fiscal Year 2011, NARA is expecting that a move to the cloud will solve 10-15% of FOIA requests before they are made due to the self-help portal and reduce overall case time from 25 days to 15 days.
Geospatial Services
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is launching a cloud-based service called Climate@Home. Through Climate@Home, users will help quantify uncertainty in existing weather and climate models. This service will allow NASA to collaborate directly with citizens in using NASA's Earth Science data and modeling capabilities.
Geospatial Services
NASA is in the process of launching the cloud-based SERVIR project - a Regional Visualization and Monitoring System. SERVIR will allow for improved monitoring of earth observations and predictive models - like increased understanding of how many residents are displaced during natural disasters, or where forest fires are likely to occur - giving government officials, scientists, researchers, and the public a greater ability to deliver meaningful results for American citizens as well as people in developing countries in areas like health, food security and water.
Document Management
NASA is launching a cloud-based Electronic Forms service for management of institutional operations. This service will allow NASA to automatically route documents for signatures, approvals, and other purposes in a single solution to be used agency-wide.
Capital Planning Software
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is moving its capital planning tool (eCPIC) to GSA's private cloud hosting platform. This budget management and reporting tool allows NRC to more effectively manage its resources and track how it is spending taxpayer dollars. By moving to the GSA cloud, NRC will save approximately $50,000 per year.
Virtual Meeting Services
NRC is implementing GoToMeeting, a cloud-based, Web-enabled service that lets users conduct virtual meetings online – making presentations, sharing information, and holding live chats – with participants both inside and outside the agency. In March 2011, GoToMeeting was being used by 18 NRC offices, saving an estimated 1,000 staff hours per year in travel time for meeting participants.
Emergency Notification Services
NRC currently does not have a system to notify employees of important information such as work closures and emergencies. NRC is implementing a cloud-based, web-enabled Employee Notification System that maintains employee contact information. The system will be used to send emergency broadcast messages to NRC's more than 4,200 employees by text message, voice mail, email, and other applicable methods.
Email Disaster Recovery
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has over 2,100 staff at its headquarters that use email on a daily basis to conduct business. NSF is implementing a cloud-based disaster recovery email service to provide immediate continuity of operations for email services, ensuring that all headquarters staff will still have access to email in case of a disruption in services due to natural disasters, electrical problems at a data center, etc.
Records Management
NSF currently has a legacy file system infrastructure that hosts all historical records that the agency is required to maintain. In order to enable more rapid and efficient management and archiving of records, research proposals, and award records, NSF is implementing an e-Records solution in the cloud. By utilizing an infrastructure as a service model, NSF will have optimal hosting of records which will now also be indexable in searches, something not available currently on the legacy system.
Collaboration Services
Collaboration services are critical to the work of NSF – allowing the agency to share information between NSF staff and the research community. NSF is in the process of migrating its existing collaboration services, both internal and externally facing, to a public cloud environment.
Website Analytics Services
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) manages over 30 separate websites and tracks over three million visits per month. In order to ensure that its websites are delivering relevant content to its visitors – and to ensure that content is being delivered in a timely fashion – OPM will implement a free cloud web analytics service. With this service, OPM staff will be able to analyze web traffic (number of visitors, page views, time spent on site, etc.) as well as analyze website errors that impede a positive user experience.
Website Hosting
OPM.gov is OPM's main public-facing website, providing critical information to Federal agencies and to U.S. citizens. Traffic to OPM's site is highly variable with large spikes in traffic – sometimes causing outages like during the Washington DC-area snow storms in December 2009. By moving to a cloud solution, OPM.gov can respond dynamically to changes in demand. Additionally, OPM is expanding its cloud hosting solution to begin handling dynamic content with expected cost savings of up to $130,000 a year.
Document Management
In order to have an effective document workflow, OPM uses a document management system which includes correspondence tracking and document review. Currently, OPM hosts this document management system internally. By moving to a cloud solution, OPM is expecting to save $75,000 a year.
Website Hosting
SBA.gov is the public-facing internet portal for the Small Business Administration (SBA), with over 10 million visitors a year. SBA.gov is focused on providing small businesses, lenders, and resource partners with information about SBA programs and services. In its current hosting environment, SBA.gov is unable to quickly scale in the event of a demand surge for the website. By moving to a cloud hosting environment, SBA.gov will be able to handle peaks in traffic and ensure the website is always available.
Human Resources Management
SBA’s Human Resources group provides internal-agency services, such as training curriculum and performance management tools. These services are currently hosted through OPM. SBA plans on migrating these services to a cloud-hosted solution, in an effort to reduce annual infrastructure costs.
Collaboration Services
The Management and Technical Assistance Line of Business will provide enhanced agency and resource partner services to assist more than 25 million small business owners and over 1,000 small business lenders with taking better advantage of SBA programs, services, and loan options. This new service will be developed and implemented in a cloud services solution.
Telephony System Services
Currently the Social Security Administration (SSA) receives 85 million calls a year in order to support retirement, disability, entitlement, and other claims by citizens. SSA has launched a cloud telephony system that will provide faster access to SSA agents and greater efficiency.
FOIA Case Management
When SSA receives a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from a citizen, it must respond in the most expeditious manner possible. Currently, SSA manages this process differently across offices. SSA is currently analyzing cloud solutions that could potentially allow SSA to manage the 30,000 FOIA requests received annually and track them in an integrated system across the agency, providing greater accountability to citizen requests.
SSA currently hosts its email capability internally, at a high cost per user. SSA is currently analyzing cloud hosting solutions to potentially migrate up to 108,000 email inboxes to a cloud solution in an effort to realize cost savings over the current hosting solution.
Website Hosting
The Department of State's (State) Office of the Historian makes available tens of thousands of government documents, as well as other unclassified publications and databases, regarding the history of State, diplomacy, and foreign relations in a robust way to meet increased public demand. By hosting History.State.gov in the cloud, information is now keyword-searchable and in downloadable form. The website’s broad audience includes scholars, students, policymakers, and the public in the U.S. and abroad.
Program Management
The Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund (NDF) program managers are situated domestically and abroad with limited access to State’s network, providing difficulties in effective management of program goals and budgets. NDF's move to the cloud now allows managers to access the information they need from anywhere in the world to effectively manage and budget their projects.
Electronic Library
The Ralph Bunche Electronic Library provides all State staff, domestic and overseas, with direct access to a wide variety of information in over 50 databases. The move to the cloud enabled the library to reduce infrastructure and maintenance costs by 66% and provide scalability to meet the increased peak demands of State’s employees.
Document Management and FOIA Case Management
The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Initiative allows the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to electronically capture, store, search/analyze, share and manage documents. Additionally, this initiative will work with current Treasury services to provide more robust functionalities including Go-FOIA/e-Discovery – reducing the median time to respond to a FOIA request by 25 days. Further, by using a cloud environment, Treasury is looking to offer these services for other Federal agencies to leverage.
Data Center Services
The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) plans to procure all of its data center services through cloud computing or leased resources in private Federal clouds, and avoid owning any data center assets. Currently, 100% of CFPB's web hosting is hosted in a cloud solution. Additionally, CFPB stood up a cloud data center for development, testing, and production environments in April 2011.
Website Hosting
Treasury recently moved the Treasury.gov website and four other Treasury websites (SIGTARP.gov, MyMoney.gov, TIGTA.gov, and IRSOversightBoard.treasury.gov) to a cloud hosting environment – the first cabinet level agency to do so. By moving to a cloud hosting environment, Treasury has saved over 13% in monthly costs versus the prior legacy hosting solution.
Business Process Management
Treasury is currently in the process of modernizing the Bureau of Engraving and Printing's (BEP) business process. By moving to a cloud environment, BEP plans to save over 50% in operating and maintenance costs while also automating processes for manufacturing, financial management, acquisition, and supply chains.
Virtual Meetings Services
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) is implementing a cloud-based virtual meeting service that provides online conferencing, file sharing, chatting and whiteboard services. This service, called AIDConnect, will enable USAID's more than 8,000 personnel around the world to collaborate without incurring travel and teleconferencing costs. USAID personnel logged over 1,400 hours in AIDConnect in the month of March 2011, a 20% increase in use over February 2011.
Data Center Services
USAID is migrating its telecommunications infrastructure services to the cloud. Currently, services are centrally managed through an on-site data center. This migration will simplify management and reduce operating costs through the consolidation of the number of physical assets required to maintain the telecommunication infrastructure. USAID is expecting a cost savings estimated at $12.8 million over a five-year period.
USAID currently hosts its email infrastructure internally through roughly 115 desktop email servers and 40 mobile email servers worldwide. By moving to cloud-based email, USAID will eliminate physical assets and operating expenditures (technical support, licenses and upgrades, and recurring operational costs), realizing an estimated cost savings of $20 million over a five-year period.
In 2008, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) was operating 21 different email systems across the agency, most with unique functionality, settings, and firewall settings. In order to achieve agency-wide efficiencies and provide a unified email platform, USDA is consolidating over 120,000 email inboxes to a single cloud solution. By moving to this solution, employees across USDA will now be able to collaborate through email, IM, web conferencing, and a global address list they did not have access to before.
Collaboration Services
People everywhere use social media to network, begin new ideas, and be more productive. In order to harness the power of social media internally, USDA has deployed a cloud service called USDA Connect which provides tools such as Profiles, Wikis, Blogs, Communities, Activities, Files and Bookmarks. Currently, USDA has over 107,000 users actively using USDA Connect allowing USDA to reach new heights in inter-agency interaction, productivity, and efficiency.
Document Management and Correspondence Tracking
USDA has over 20 different document and correspondence tracking systems across the agency, most with unique functionality, settings, and firewall settings. In an effort to eliminate redundancy and increase efficiency, USDA will consolidate over 20 systems to a single customer relationship management (CRM) environment in the cloud. By using cloud CRM software, USDA will be able to organize customer information and provide the means to track correspondence across offices and throughout the agency.
The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) current email is hosted on an internal solution. VA is piloting 30,000 email inboxes with the hopes of migrating all 417,000 inboxes to a cloud hosted solution. VA hopes to reduce overall cost for email and provide quicker provisioning for new users.
Claims Management
One of the many services VA provides to veterans is through the Post 9/11 Veteran Education Assistance Act. In order to process claims through this act, VA uses a cloud development, testing, and hosting environment to create customer-facing software applications. By creating new applications and management with this cloud service, VA has been able to cut education claims processing time by 40%.
Claims Management
The Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS) is being developed to process Veteran Compensation and Pension claims in a paperless environment. VBMS is being developed in a cloud environment and has a goal of processing Veterans claims within 125 days, improve claim quality to 98%, and increase overall performance and accountability.
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