Editor : Martin Simamora, S.IP |Martin Simamora Press

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Kazakhstan residents will be trained to use e-government

Kazakhstan Ministry of Communications and Information is launching a program to train Kazakhstan residents to use the electronic government, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the Ministry’s press-service.

The seminars will be held in 80 towns of Kazakhstan by the end of the year. 70 thousand residents are going to be covvered by the training. “The experts will hold seminars to tell the attendants about the electronic government, help submit applications for electronic signature, train them to use and receive electronic services online. The training will take three academic hours. The participants will receive certificates at the end of the seminar,” the Ministry’s message says.

Anyone willing to participate in the training can apply by calling the call-center at 1414. Currently electronic government renders over 70 electronic and 2,000 informational services. Over 6 million certificates have been issued by the electronic government.


e-Government Menghasilkan Pembuat Kebijakan Sosial (Vol.1)

Jejaring sosial dan dunia virtual 3D kerap dianggap sebagai ruangan-ruangan rekreasional, dimana orang berinteraksi dengan sahabat, kerabat, dan mereka yang menggeluti dunia ini. Tetapi perkembangan terbaru dalam e-Government--secara tradisional e-Government dipandang sebagai pembuat layanan-layanan publik pokok dapat diakses secara online--,kini melangkah ke wilayah jejaring sosial dimana para pembuat kebijakan berupaya mencari cara-cara baru untuk mengetahui apa yang dipikirkan masyarakat terhadap proposal-proposal yang mereka buat.
Sebuah studi yang telah dipublikasikan oleh EU pada Februari 2011 menunjukan bahwa pada 2010 kualitas dan  kuantitas layanan-layanan e-Government meningkat. Di seantero Eropa, e-Government untuk berbagai layanan pokok  publik mencapai 82% diantaranya; registrasi kendaraan mobil dan deklarasi pajak yang dapat diakses online, capaian  ini meningkat tajam dibandingkan 2009 yang hanya 69%. Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President yang  bertanggungjawab atas program Digital Agenda, menyatakan rasa senangnya bahwa banyak orang dapat mengaksesnya, misal meregistrasi perusahaan baru melalui internet. Namun demikian kemajuan semacam ini tidak terjadi secara universal.

Sebuah studi yang sama mengungkapkan bahwa berbagai layanan bisnis mengalami perkembangan yang jauh lebih cepat  ketimbang yang diperuntukan bagi individu-individu. Pemanfaat e-Procurement masih rendah. Dan tak terhindarkan, survei tersebut  menyatakan negara-negara yang tergolong utama seperti; Austria, Irlandia dan Italia juga dinilai masih tercecer,  termasuk juga Yunani, Siprus dan Rumania.

Untuk mendorong kemajuan e-Government, melalui rencana aksi e-Government EU periode 2011-2015 telah ditetapkan  serangkaian ambisi yang sangat baik ; memberdayakan masyarakat dengan membuat lebih banyak informasi yang dapat diakses online, memperkokoh pasar tunggal melalui berbagai inisiatif e-Government yang akan membuat hidup lebih mudah, juga bekerja dan belajar diseluruh Eropa; dan menciptakan karbon rendah, administrasi-administrasi pemerintah yang efisien. Uni Eropa menginginkan 50% individu di Eropa dan 80% bisnis menggunakan berbagai perangkat e-Government menjelang akhir 2015. Tetapi sebagaimana diakui dalam Rencana tersebut, menjadi tanggungjawab setiap negara anggota Uni Eropa untuk mengimplementasikan berbagai layanan e-Government. Peran Uni Eropa adalah menetapkan serangkaian target, memfasilitasi berbagai diskusi, menciptakan berbagai kondisi legal yang mendukung, mengurus interoperabilitas lintas batas negara-dan menilai performa setiap negara.
Tetapi e-Government bukan sekedar penyederhanaan berbagai pelayanan publik. Namun e-Government  juga mengenai pelibatan warga masyarakat secara lebih mendalam dalam proses demokratik. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan membuatnya menjadi lebih mudah dalam melakukan pemilihan umum : sebagai contoh pemilihan umum di Estonia tahun ini, 25% pemilih menyalurkan haknya  secara online--namun, sementra hasil survei memperlihatkan antusiasme dikalangan masyarakat, teknologi ini belum  digunakan secara luas sejauh ini. Dimana Uni Eropa sedang memainkan peran yang lebih besar dalam pengembangan berbagai perangkat yang dapat melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembuatan kebijakan. Rencana Aksi EU mengatakan :  "Negara-negara anggota berkomitmen untuk membangun dan mempromosikan cara yang lebih baik dan berguna, dalam mengedepankan penggunaan berbagai solusi ICT, untuk kepentingan bisnis dan masyarakat sehingga dapar berpartisipasi dalam konsultasi kebijakan publik. "Untuk mencapai tujuan itu Uni Eropa melalui instrumen utamanya yaitu pendanaan  riset teknologi : Seventh Framework Programme, yang menopang 9 proyek inovasi e-Government.

Salah satu proyek tersebut adalah WeGov, sebuah upaya untuk mengikat kekuatan jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter dan Linkedln. Paul Walland bertanggungjawab sebagai koordinator proyek, berkedudukan di IT Innovation  Center University of Southampton berujar : "Apa yang coba dilakukan WeGov adalah menempatkan berbagai perangkat  ditangan para pembuat kebijakan," ujarnya di PublicServiceEurope.com. Ketimbang pemerintah dan penyelenggara lokal  menguji berbagai kebijakan dengan menggunakan berbagai questionaire dan berbagai website e-Government yang  spesifik--yang biasanya memberikan hasil yang hampa dari publik--WeGov mengembangkan sebuah perangkat atau perkakas  yang memungkinkan para pembuat kebijakan menggunakan jejaring sosial untuk melibatkan masyarakat dalam berbagai  debat." WeGov adalah ramuan banyak hal," ujar Walland,"mulai dari menyampaikan opini di komunitas umum dan memantau  reaksi masyarakat terhadap opini yang disampaikan, melalui penjejakan berbagai topik hangat dan berbagai jenis opini  masyarakat yang diungkapkan oleh masyarakat diberbagai website jejaring sosial.

WeGov salah satu proyek yang didanai oleh Program FP7 dengan dana sebesar €2 juta, dan dua skema percontohan direncanakan di Spanyol dan Jerman. Sebuah tatap muka user yang sederhana akan memungkinkan para pembuat kebijakan  untuk memilih sebuah topik dan "menyuntikannya" kedalam jejaraing sosial apapun yang dipilih--dengan tweet, blog atau menggunakan grup diskusi didalam Facebook atau Likedln. Walland mengakui bila kebijakan publik semakin meningkat didasarkan pada reaksi-reaksi media sosial, beberapa orang dapat menjadi sadar bahwa suara mereka tidak didengarkan, tetapi ia menambahkan ada sebuah bahaya disana "dengan tehnik apapun yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan opini populer. Ini adalah sebuah respon dengan meluaskan jaring ketimbang "menangkap" semua orang". Ada juga isu lain ketika menggali dari jejaring sosial, seperti isu privasi. "Cara melakukan pendekatannya adalah hal yang sangat penting, untuk memastikan bahwa kita tidak hanya melakukannya dalam batas-batas yang legal tetapi yang lebih sulit lagi untuk mendefinisikan batas-batas yang etikal yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat." tetapi sebagaimana yang dikatakan  oleh Walland, para politisi "ingin menggunakan setiap perkakas yang tersedia bagi mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan masyarakat."

Ada sebuah premis dibalik proyek lainnya yang juga didanai oleh FP7 yaitu +Spaces. Dalam kasus ini, sebagaimana juga jejaring sosial, berbagai skenario dibuat dalam dunia virtual 3D yang akan digunakan untuk menguji berbagai reaksi terhadap ide-ide kebijakan. Michal Jacovi, koordinator proyek dan seorang peneliti grup teknologi-teknologi sosial di fasilitas IBM Haifa Israel menjelaskan :"Idenya adalah menjalankan berbagai kebijakan oleh masyarakat dan mendapatkan opini mereka dengan mendatangi mereka, sebagaimana yang terjadi hari ini, ke website-website e-Government untuk mengisi formulir atau melakukan pemilihan. Kita ingin pergi ke tempat dimana masyarakat berada. "

Seperti dengan WeGov, sebuah perkakas telah dirancang bagi para pembuat kebijakan-- para mitra proyek +Spaces termasuk parlemen Yunani, dan Jacovi berharap akan ada lebih banyak lagi mitra yang terlibat dimasa mendatang--untuk memudahkan mengajukan pertanyaan dan menciptakan berbagai debat diseluruh jejaring sosial.

Bagian paling inovatif dari proyek ini akan diuji tahun depan. Jacovi menjelaskan :"Kita fokus pada permainan  peran, dimana anda mengundang orang untuk terlibat, dan anda memberikan peran-peran. Anda dapat memberikan seseorang peran optimis atau pesimis. Mereka tak hanya harus mengatakan apa yang telah mereka pikirkan, atau yang telah mereka dengarkan dimanapun, tetapi mereka harus sungguh-sungguh berpura-pura menjadi seseorang yang lain dan berpikir sebagai orang lain. Kami memiliki sebuah versi 3D dimana avatar-avatarnya sangat sesuai dan kita juga menggunakan Twitter. "Jacovi memberikan contoh praktis :"Misalkan kebijakan pelarangan merokok di tempat-tempat umum : Kita telah menyelenggarakan workshop dimana orang memainkan peran-peran sebagai seorang perokok, seorang yang tidak merokok, seorang pemilik restoran, seorang pejabat kesehatan publik, dan seorang polisi. Mereka dipandu agar mengasumsikan diri mereka berada di masa lima tahun kedepan, dan setengah dari mereka adalah orang yang idealis dan setengahnya lagi tidak idealis. Ini memberikan wawasan kepada para pembuat kebijakan dan juga kepada diri masyarakat  itu sendiri."

Pada awalnya ini akan terlihat serampangan awalnya, tetapi Profesor Thomas Gordon yang memimpin sebuah proyek  lainnya lagi yang didanai FP7 yaitu IMPACT dan berasal dari Fraunhover Institute for Open Communication di Berlin,  berujar : Seluruh area e-Participation adalah hal yang semakin berkembang menjadi penting". Bagi Gordon, melibatkan warga masyarakat pada awal berbagai tahapan perencanaan kebijakan adalah vital. Ia mengutip sebuah contoh topik.

"Anda dapat melihat disini di Jerman dengan debat yang begitu besar tentang Stuttgart21, sebuah stasiun kereta. Ada berbagai demonstrasi yang berlangsung dan hal ini menjadi topik hangat yang entah tumbuh sendiri atau memang dibuat demikian. Dan salah satu alasannya itu sebuah topik hangat dari sudut pandang saya adalah karena warga masyarakat tidak dilibatkan secara memadai dalam fase perencanaan, dan sekarang para politisi menghadapi masalah yang sangat besar.

Bersambung ke Vol.2

Daniel Mason - PS Europe | Martin Simamora

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Pemerintah Klaim Data E-KTP Bisa untuk Pemilu 2014

Kartu Tanda Penduduk elektronik. ANTARA/ Dhoni Setiawan
Kementerian Dalam Negeri mengklaim pemilu 2014 mendatang telah bisa menggunakan data kependudukan dari KTP elektronik. Sebab pendataan KTP elektronik ditargetkan rampung pada 2012. Dengan diperolehnya data melalui e-KTP, Komisi Pemilihan Umum tak perlu lagi melakukan pemuktahiran data pemilih. "Ini bisa menghemat anggaran Pemilu," ujar Irman Direktur Jenderal Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kementerian Dalam Negeri usai uji coba e-KTP di Kelurahan Menteng, Jakarta, Rabu 27 Juli 2011.

Irman mengatakan menurut Undang-undang Pemilu tahun yang lalu, pemerintah harus menyerahkan data penduduk, satu tahun sebelum pemilu diselenggarakan. Mengacu pada undang undang lama, artinya bulan April 2013, data kependudukan harus diserahkan pada KPU. "Dengan selesai e-KTP, Desember 2012, maka data sudah bisa digunakan dan valid. Karena jaraknya hanya 2 bulan."

Ia menegaskan untuk data yang masih tercecer hal tersebut tergantung pada orangnya. Sistim hanya bisa menghindari data ganda atau data double. Paling tidak tahun lalu data double mencapai 7 juta orang."Yang masalah ini adalah data ganda. itu bisa dipermasalahkan oleh partai politik. Tapi kalau orangnya tidak datang di gunung gunung tidak berpengaruh juga."
Kementerian Dalam Negeri bertanggung jawab menyerahkan daftar pemilih atau DP4 atau daftar potensial pemilih pemilu dan data DAK2 atau data agregat kependuduk perkecamatan untuk menentukan jumlah daerah pemilihan dan dasar pemutahiran TPS. "Data e-KTP bisa digunakan untuk pemutahiran data penduduk, asalkan KPU memakai sistim yang sama," ujarnya."Dulu Depdagri menggunakan data penduduk per KK, sedangkan KPU dengan menggunakan sistim charly perabjad,"

Ia menegaskan pemerintah sudah bicara dengan Badan Legislasi DPR yang tengah merevisi undang undang pemilihan umum, agar KPU menggunakan sistim yang sama dengan Kementerian Dalam Negeri untuk menentukan jumlah pemilih. "Kalau dengan sistim yang sama, nanti kami tinggal singkronkan saja."

Pemerintah Hari ini mulai menguji coba pembuatan e-KTP. Rencananya pada Agustus mendatang 197 wilayah Kabupaten/Kota akan memulai melakukan proses pembuatan e-KTP. Pemerintah sendiri menargetkan program ini rampung pada tahun 2012. Dengan anggaran yang digelontorkan mencapai Rp 5,8 triliun."Dengan adanya e-KTP, tidak ada lagi pemutahiran masal di daerah. Hanya ada pemutahiran reguler saja."


Kemendagri Emoh Menunda Pelaksanaan Proses e-KTP

uji coba penerapan KTP elektronik (e-KTP) . Tempo/Arif Wibowo
Kementerian Dalam Negeri memstikan tidak akan menunda lagi pelaksanaan program Kartu Tanda Penduduk (e-KTP). Karenanya, Juru Bicara Kementerian Dalam Negeri Reydonnyzar Moenoek menganggap laporan yang disampaikan Lintas Peruri Solusi soal adanya persekongkolan pemenangan tender e KTP tak relevan lagi.

"Tidak akan ada penundaan apapun. Ini agenda nasional dan harus sesuai dengan penjadwalan" kata Redonnyzar di kantornya, Jumat 15 Juli 2011. ". Lagipula penandatanganan kontrak pemenang tender sudah dilakukan,"

Jumat siang tadi, Lintas Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (Peruri) Solusi, salah satu peserta tender pengadaan Kartu Tanda Penduduk elektronik (e-KTP), meminta Kemendagri menunda tahapan lelang pengadaan e-KTP selanjutnya. Ia meminta penandatanganan kontrak ditunda sampai ada keputusan dari Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU).

Menurut Reydonnyzar, tim atau panitia penyelenggara tender telah bekerja sesuai dengan perundangan yang berlaku. Prosesnya pun telah diaudit oleh Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) sesuai tanggal 17 Juni 2011 dimana hasilnya menyatakan bahwa seluruh tahapan mulai dari persiapan pengadaan barang dan jasa sampai pelaksanaan penetapan pengumuman pemenang lelang telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 54 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengadaan Barang atau Jasa.

Pria yang akrab disapa Donny ini menambahkan, panitia juga telah menanggapi keberatan pihak Peruri sebelumnya yang tidak lolos dalam tahap dua tahap terakhir. "Mekanime itu sudah ditempuh, sanggah lalu sanggah banding. Itu tidak akan mengurangi kami untuk tetap terus bekerja,"ujarnya.

"Tidak akan ada penundaan dan kita tidak mau ambil resiko itu. Kerja harus tetap jalan sesuai jadwal,"ujarnya.


Bikin e-KTP Cuma 2 Menit, Hasilnya Tiga Minggu Kemudian

Kartu Tanda Penduduk elektronik. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
Pembuatan Kartu Penduduk Elektronik (e-KTP) diujicobakan hari ini oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri di daerah Jakarta. "Mulai hari ini, alat sudah didistribusikan ke berbagai daerah," ujar Irman, Direktur Jenderal Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kementerian Dalam Negeri saat uji coba di Kelurahan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Rabu, 27 Juli 2011.
Peralatan yang diberikan berupa dua perangkat komputer hp, kamera canon 1100 D, pemindai retina mata dan pemindai tanda tangan, serta serta pemindai sidik jari. Masing-masing kelurahan atau kecamatan mendapatkan dua set perangkat elektronik tersebut."Tahun ini akan didistrubusikan pada 197 kabupaten kota."

Dalam uji coba penggunaan perangkat Elektonik KTP tersebut, paling tidak waktu yang dibutuhkan hanya sekitar 2 menit 11 detik untuk melayani satu orang warga."Kami hanya tinggal mencocokan datanya, dengan basis data yang sudah ada," katanya. "Agustus mendatang pembuatan kartu penduduk ini sudah bisa dilakukan."
Kementerian menargetkan dalam sehari paling tidak 300 orang dalam satu kelurahan atau kecamatan bisa dilayani pembuatannya. Pembuatan e- KTP inipun gratis tidak dipungut biaya."Kalau ada pungutan, silakan laporkan. Kami ada tim supervisi dan teknis yang disebar untuk mencegah gangguan."

Proyek e-KTP sendiri menelan biaya Rp 5,8 triliun yang ditargetkan bisa dirampungkan dalam dua tahun. Untuk tahun pertama ini, pencetakan e-KTP masih dilakukan di kantor pusat dan baru tiga minggu kemudian warga bisa mendapatkan KTP baru. "Diharapkan jaringan Internet sudah selesai akhir bulan ini."


"Smart Government" Membangkitkan Persoalan Akuntabilitas

Kini pemerintah di tingkat daerah dan para penyelenggara pelayanan publik yang sedang dibujuk agar mau mengadopsi "Smart Government" mulai dirundung berbagai masalah yang disebabkan oleh kompleksitas dan kerancuan akuntabilitas. Hal ini diungkapkan analis firma Gartner.
Gartner menggambarkan "Smart Government" sebagai sesuatu yang menekankan pada interoperabilitas dan layanan-layanan yang digunakan secara bersama-sama ( shared services) dan meningkatkan nilai publik   berbagai layanan yang disediakan. Akan tetapi, saat memadukan berbagai layanan dan data yang berasal dari banyak elemen  yang harus dirangkai menjadi satu, ada  hal yang sangat pelik, dan dalam pelaksanaannya kerap tidak jelas siapa yang memimpin.

Akan tetapi Gartner berpendapat bahwa bobot keuntungan-keuntungannya melampaui biaya yang harus dikeluarkan, dan firma ini melampirkan sejumlah contoh terkait hal ini berserta berbagai rekomendasi yang dikatakan akan membantu mengeliminasi persoalan-persoalan yang menyertai.
Keuntungan-keuntungan yang dimaksud termasuk layanan-layanan publik yang lebih baik dan tepat waktu, tetapi untuk mewujudkannya harus terjadi kolaborasi horisontal dan vertikal antara para pemilik data yang ada di dalam dan luar pemerintah, jelas Gartner.

Gartner menyontohkan informasi "Neighborhood Watch" yang dikumpulkan oleh warga masyarakat secara online dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan keamanan masyarakat. Contoh lainnya lagi penyediaan data-data warga masyarakat dari ragam platform seperti SeeClickFix, dimana penyelenggara pemerintahan lokal dapat menggunakan data tersebut untuk merencanakan rencana kerja perbaikan sehingga dapat meminimalisasi gangguan.
Lebih lanjut lagi semua penyelenggara pemerintah dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari peningkatan efisiensi operasional, dengan mencegah duplikasi dan penggunaan aset secara bersama-sama. Berbagai contoh lainnya lagi : membuat keputusan-keputusan pengadaan barang dan jasa berdasarkan pada informasi reputasi dan resiko  semua rekanan penyedia barang dan jasa yang terkini dan  yang selalu diperbarui, dan memodifikasi kebutuhan penyediaan staff di semua pusat custosmer service.

Terakhir, badan-badan pemerintah dapat melihat semakin meningkatnya sokongan politik dari Smart Government, sebuah contoh akan hal ini adalah meningkatnya deteksi penyimpangan atau fraud sebagai akibat pengkombinasian data pemerintah terkait pembayar pajak individual atau para penerima manfaat.
Berbagai rekomendasi yang disampaikan oleh firma ini untuk membantu mengatasi berbagai masalah yang ada disekitar "Smart Government" termasuk menjamin para eksekutif pemerintah yang non IT untuk menyiapkan proposisi nilai publik pada Smart Government sebelum proyek Smart Government dijalankan.

Rekomendasi lain yang sewarna, semua CIO pemerintah harus menerapkan dengan ketat berbagai pendekatan interoperabilitas dengan membentuk berbagai inisiatif. Mereka yang ditugasi untuk menjalankan proyek-proyek ini akan bertanggungjawab terhadap interoperabilitas. Ini akan membantu melenyapkan kompleksitas sebab proyek-proyek ini tidak akan menjadikan semua hal/layanan yang telah dibentuk sebelumnya menjadi interoperabilitas.
Akhirnya, semua vendor haru mengembangkan dan mengklarifikasi sebuah visi "Smart Government" yang masuk akal dan semua klien pemerintah dapat dengan jernih terhubung dengan Smart Government sesuai dengan prioritas nilai-nilai publik yang dimilikinya sendiri.

Computing.co.uk | Martin Simamora

Smart Government Is Not About Supremacy: It Is About Survival

There seems to be a common misconception around the use of the term “smart” when used in direct or indirect connection to “government”. Smart cities, smart public transportation, smart planets, smart communities: all these and similar terms are being used mostly by vendors, but also by government business and IT executives who aim at setting their cities and counties on the map of the most progressive local authorities.

The way these terms are used suggest the pervasive use of technology in operational systems, such as public lighting, road tolls, electrical grid, video-surveillance cameras and the improved connectivity between these systems and IT applications that allow to better manage resources, improve traffic flows, make public safety more effective.
However there is another, and – I would argue – far more important dimension of “smartness” that has not to do with being a cool and progressive jurisdiction, but with being able to survive. Survival means sustaining statutory services and processes. I appreciate that after so many years of waving the flag of the transformative and innovative role of IT speaking about survival may sound a tad depressing. However reality is biting in many parts of our planet, from Greece to Minnesota, from Washington DC to Ireland, from Iceland to Spain.

I have covered this in a recent post, and will be speaking about what smart government really means in a session entitled Smart Government: Beyond Cities and Planets in four Gartner Symposia (Cape Town in August, Orlando in October, Barcelona and Gold Coast in November). There will be an increasing amount of research on smart government in the coming months and Gartner clients are welcome to look at what has already been published under the “smart government” key initiative.

We have been many times through cost containment and efficiency review discussions between 2003 and today. When a shutdown approaches (which is the case for the US federal debt these days), there is a heightened attention to the need for changes in IT planning, management and sourcing. However after the emergency is over, there are only marginal changes to the way IT and business executives behave.
What is happening is that the margins for such an “elastic” behavior are becoming thinner and thinner, and we have to accept that the statutory services that agencies deliver may not be sustainable at all, or at least not without radical changes in how they are managed. This is compound by the difficulty (if not the sheer impossibility) of securing sufficient budget for radical transformation initiatives, let alone having the luxury of waiting for such initiatives to deliver results (should the budget not be a problem).

It is time to stop about looking at IT as a way to be better than other jurisdictions, and to think closely (and smartly) to how to leverage IT to stay afloat – and improve along the way.



Andrea Di Maio is a vice president and distinguished analyst in Gartner Research, where he focuses on the public sector, with particular reference to e-government strategies, Web 2.0, open government, cloud computing, the business value of IT, open-source software, green IT and the impact of technology on the future of government.

India proposes nationwide fibre network


India’s Telecom Commission proposal to create a US$4.5 billion National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) has been approved by the Department of Telecom (DoT), announced Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Communication and Information Technology.

This NOFN will extend the country’s existing fibre optic network from the district level to the village level, giving the country of 1.2 billion people services like e-education, e-health, e-banking and also reduce migration of rural population to urban areas, said Sibal.
“In economic terms, the benefits from the scheme are expected through additional employment, e-education, e-health, e-agriculture etc. and reduction in migration of rural population to urban areas,” Sibal said.

“The proposed NOFN will enable effective and faster implementation of various mission mode e-governance projects amounting to approximately 500 billion Indian rupee (US$11.25 billion) initiated by Department of Information Technology as well as delivery of a whole range of electronic services in the above areas by the private sector to citizen in rural areas.”

The US$4.5 billion cost will be funded by he Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). Sibal also suggested that the private sector will contribute similar investments to complement the infrastructure and to provide services to users.


Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Bengal offers e-governance scheme for SME units

The West Bengal Government on Monday announced an e-governance scheme to help the small and medium enterprises sector of the State to file e-return of sales tax and also enable online refund of value added tax (VAT) through the electronic clearing schemes.
The five schemes introduced include the e-registration for VAT and dematerialisation of registration certificates, filing of sales tax e-returns, e-payment under the industrial promotion assistance scheme, e-VAT refund and payment through ECS and e-submission of option under Composition Scheme in Form 16.

The State Finance Minister, Mr Amit Mitra, said that the initiatives would not just cut down on the harassment faced by small and medium traders; it is also expected to reduce corruption in the Finance Department.

“We expect an increase in tax buoyancy as well as improved compliance by the people,” Mr Mitra said.


Philippines launches “green job” website

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The Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in partnership with labour groups and “green” advocates, have launched a “green” website aimed at generating awareness on green jobs in the workplace.

According to department secretary, Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz, the green job site is meant to spread awareness not only in environmental protection but also for workers and employers to learn new skills and competencies required in this emerging field.
The Green Workplace Advocacy program is focused on generating awareness on green jobs, and recently-launched Green Our DOLE Program (GODP) that aims to make the department a model, environment-friendly agency pursuing the best practices in its own practice.

“Hand-in-hand with our Green Partners, the green jobs advocacy shall be sustained as a collaborative policy and promotion initiative among the various sectors and stakeholders to come up with practical and doable greener solutions in an increasing number or workplaces across the country,” Baldoz said.

The department’s local and international “Green Partners”- Climate Change Commission, the National Youth Commission, Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, Federation of Free Workers, Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines, and the International Labor Organization, and private sector partner, STI Education Services Group, has helped DOLE with the project and the site launching.


Kenya plans to sell open data portal

Information Permanent Secretary Dr. Bitange Ndemo
The Kenyan government plans to sell its open data portal to stakeholders barely four weeks after the official launch.

President Mwai Kibaki launched the open data portal on 15 July 2011 in a bid to make government information available to the general public.

According to Information Permanent Secretary Dr. Bitange Ndemo, this will allow more Kenyans access to public data, ensure transparency and accountability.
“Our role as a ministry is to take data and convert it into information so that it can be used for economic development. We have more than one hundred applications from our young people. They are going to be replicated in many countries,” says Ndemo adding that, as a result, resources will come into Kenya.

This will allow free access by the public to data such as the national census, geospatial information on health, education and other national statistics.

The project has earned the praise of international institutions, among them the World Bank.

Aleem Walji, Practice Manager at the World Bank Institute for Innovation says the bank has urged the government to take the next step and establish partnerships with Kenyans so as to transform the country into a knowledge-based economy.
“Almost overnight, you have taken a step that has not only catapulted Kenya but Africa to the global stage and created the opportunity to move from what I’d like to call e-government to we-government,” says Walji.


Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Distribusi Perangkat e-KTP Dimulai Awal Agustus

uji coba penerapan KTP elektronik (e-KTP) . Tempo/Arif Wibowo
Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi menargetkan pendistribusian perangkat teknologi penunjang sistem kartu tanda penduduk elektronik (e-KTP) dimulai pada awal bulan depan. Sarana penunjang itu meliputi jaringan komputer, chip, hingga blangko kartu. "Mudah-mudahan awal Agustus alat sudah datang, lalu bisa didistribusikan dengan baik," kata Gamawan di Jakarta, Senin 25 Juli 2011.

Menurut dia, ada 97 daerah yang akan menerima bantuan perangkat teknologi tersebut. Namun, dia mengaku lupa nama-nama daerah yang akan menerima bantuan dan daerah mana yang bakal menerapkan e-KTP terlebih dahulu. Yang jelas, Gamawan melanjutkan, mekanisme sudah ada dan Kementerian menargetkan tahun ini seluruh daerah sudah menggunakan KTP elektronik berbasis nomor induk itu.
Ihwal tata cara pengadaan perangkat KTP elektronik, Gamawan menolak menjelaskan detailnya. Ia hanya mengatakan, pengadaan sudah diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 54 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa. Sesuai dengan aturan itu juga perangkat segera didistribusikan ke daerah. Sementara, soal dana penyertaan dari daerah, ia mengatakan, "Tergantung pada kemampuan daerah masing-masing."

Adapun soal laporan Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (Peruri) ke Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU), Gamawan menjawab singkat, proses sudah diawasi semua pihak dan diaudit Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK). Peruri melaporkan panitia lelang e-KTP ke KPPU karena ada indikasi kolusi dalam proses lelang proyek tersebut. "Saya juga sudah 2 kali mendatangi Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, meminta mereka ikut mengawasi," ujar Gamawan.

Lelang proyek raksasa itu dinilai mengandung praktek persengkongkolan untuk memenangkan konsorsium Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia (PNRI). Selain ke KPPU, Peruri juga telah berkirim surat kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi.

Gamawan menambahkan, seluruh tahapan juga sudah sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 54. Kementerian juga menegaskan proyek e-KTP secepatnya akan diselesaikan. "Semua sesuai dengan mekanisme yang ada, dan sangat transparan," kata dia.
Pada 2011 ini sebanyak 67 juta warga negara wajib memiliki KTP. Mereka pula yang harus dilayani untuk mendapatkan e-KTP mulai awal Agustus mendatang. Selanjutnya, pada 2012, sebanyak 105 juta warga wajib memiliki KTP elektronik. Karena itu, Gamawan tak mau jadwal penerapan e-KTP ini mundur.

Panitia tender telah menetapkan 2 konsorsium pemenang tender, yakni Konsorsium PNRI dan Astra Graphia. PNRI meraih skor tertinggi, 96,83, sedangkan Astra Graphia mendapat skor 95,52. Konsorsium PNRI menawarkan harga Rp 5,84 triliun, sedangkan Astra mengajukan harga Rp 5,9 triliun. Keduanya mengajukan teknologi yang sama, yakni solusi AFIS L-1 Identity. Setelah diaudit BPK, dan tak bermasalah, Menteri Dalam negeri kemudian menyatakan keduanya menjadi pemenang tender.


Penerapan e-KTP di Papua Terkendala Infrastruktur

Gubernur Provinsi Papua Barnabas Suebu, saat mempresentasikan potensi Provinsi Papua dalam Papuan Business Forum di Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. TEMPO/Cunding Levi
Penerapan sistem Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik (e-KTP) di wilayah Papua pada umumnya terkendala oleh tak meratanya infrastruktur di daerah tersebut. Antara lain sulitnya akses jalan dan terpencarnya lokasi pemukiman penduduk. "Itu yang menjadi kendala," kata mantan Gubernur Papua Barnabas Suebu di Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Senin 25 Juli 2011.

Hari ini Barnabas secara resmi meletakkan jabatannya. ia digantikan oleh Pejabat Gubernur Sementara Papua, Syamsul Arif Rifai.
Menurut Barnabas, sejak program penerapan e-KTP berbasis nomor induk itu dicanangkan oleh pemerintah pusat, dia sudah menginstruksikan Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil setempat untuk bersiap dengan program baru itu. "Mau tidak mau ya harus dilaksanakan. Tidak tahu nanti teknisnya bagaimana," kata dia.

Penggantinya, Syamsul Arif Rifai tak menampik adanya kendala tersebut. Namun ia memastikan teknis penerapan e-KTP di wilayah Papua dan sekitarnya sudah ada di tangan kementerian dan pemerintah daerah setempat. Namun ketika didesak apa solusi untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut, ia tak menjawab. "Tenang saja, semua sudah ada aturanya," ucapnya singkat.

Sementara itu Pejabat Pengganti Gubernur Papua Barat Tanri Balilamo memilih akan mempelajari lebih dulu wilayah Papua Barat. Menurut dia, kendala-kendala itu jelas ada mengingat wilayah Papua yang terpencil. Sebab itu ia memilih akan turun langsung memantau kondisi masyarakat dan pegawainya sebelum melaksanakan program e-KTP. "Saya lihat dulu kondisinya nanti," kata dia.

Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi menyatakan sudah ada 97 daerah yang akan menerima bantuan perangkat teknologi untuk menerapkan e-KTP. Distribusi akan dimulai awal bulan depan. Namun, dia mengaku lupa nama-nama daerah yang akan menerima bantuan, dan daerah mana yang akan menerapkan e-KTP lebih dulu.


Phl Digital Strategy launched at ICT Summit

CICT chairman Secretary Ivan John Uy
The National ICT Summit 2011 held recently at Edsa Shangri-La Manila showcased just how ready government and private Philippine stakeholders were in the area of technology solutions and information exchange.

With the theme, “Turning Hope into Real-ITY,” the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) mounted the event to launch the Philippine Digital Strategy (PDS) 2011-2016.

The PDS is the Aquino government’s masterplan on how to actively use information and communications technology (ICT) in promoting economic and social growth, and in promoting efficiency in the delivery of public service

Special guests Wong Soon Nam, the group general manager of defense and homeland security, communication engineering, global business of Singapore, and Laurenne Garneau of the Canadian embassy were all praises for the PDS.

“Not all governments have a digital strategy,” said Garneau, pointing out how such governments – even in developed nations – are missing out on the opportunity to ride on the crest of the booming ICT industry to create a stakeholder-wide e-government system.

Garneau also represents the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), which was CICT’s main partner in the development of the PDS through its E3 (Egovernance for Efficiency and Effectiveness) project.

Wong, for his part, narrated that Singapore’s own e-government journey started in 1981 when the Singapore government invested S$1 billion to build a national broadband infrastructure.

He said this served Singapore well as it now has a consolidated hosting infrastructure for all its agencies and departments.

“Having a PDS is a step in the right direction for the Philippines at this point in the country’s burgeoning ICT growth,” Wong said.

He cited figures such as the Philippines ranking sixth in the world in terms of having the most number of active online users of 30 million on Facebook. Over 83 percent of Filipinos have a Facebook account and spend an average of 7.9 hours on the social networking site a day — usage that is ahead of even the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

“Capitalize on this vibrant broadband industry that you have,” Wong said.

Secretary Ivan John Uy, chairman of CICT, capped the PDS launch by saying that having this five-year roadmap mainly “addresses the low awareness of strategic value of ICT in the government and in the general public.”

Uy said developing e-governments provide transparency and reforms in systems that almost immediately decrease opportunities for corruption – goals which are perfectly aligned to the Aquino administration’s professed vision of transformational leadership.

“Eradication of corruption and digital inclusion – giving every Filipino access to ICT and the knowledge and skills on how to use it – will make our nation stronger, more progressive and globally competitive,” Uy said. “The PDS brings us one step closer in being a digitally empowered Philippines.”

The National ICT Summit also featured the Government and New Media Conference organized by the Presidential Communications and Operations Office, and the Public Service 2.0 Conference led by the Chief Information Officers Forum.


Haves and have-nots : How to overcome the digital divide

E-GOVERNMENT is not just e-business on a larger scale. One of the most fundamental differences is that whereas businesses can, by and large, choose their customers, government cannot. The debate over the so-called “digital divide” is like the ghost at the e-government feast. For e-government to succeed fully, the dream of Internet access for all has to become a reality.
Governments are well aware that large and expensive e-projects will command little support if only a privileged minority benefits. As David Agnew of the Toronto-based Governance in the Digital Economy Project, which is supported by eight big IT firms and 20 national and local governments, argues: “If putting government online is just a way of reinforcing access for people who probably already have more opportunity to access government and decision-makers, then it hasn’t really been much of an advance after all.

When Arizona’s Democrats held their state presidential primary online in March, it nearly did not happen—not because of security and authentication problems (although there were plenty of those), but because a pressure group called the Voting Integrity Project tried to have it banned. It almost persuaded a court that the vote would disenfranchise the state’s minorities, so should be ruled illegal.

Raise the spectre of the digital divide with the technology vendors and e-government champions within the public sector, and their brows furrow with concern—but not for long. They are, after all, professional technology optimists. But they also genuinely believe that many of the barriers to near-universal Internet access are falling, at least in economically advanced countries (though it is worth remembering that half the world has never even made a telephone call). Survey after survey has found that the main barriers to access are the fear that it is too expensive, that computers are too complicated and that somehow the whole thing is not really relevant or useful. Those optimists argue that, one by one, each of those perfectly legitimate anxieties is being overcome.

What’s the problem?

Too expensive? Internet-ready PCs can be bought for little more than $300—less than the price of most televisions, a device that has found its way into 99% of all American homes. Some Internet service providers (ISPs) are even giving PCs away in return for two or three years’ subscription, and other firms offer free PCs to users who agree to be bombarded by advertisements while online. True, access fees and telephone call charges remain high in some countries, but unmetered local calls are spreading from America to Europe, and free ISPs are evolving a range of different business models.

Too complicated and unreliable? That will soon be fixed by the proliferation of non-PC devices which provide access to the web. Among them will be simple terminals that do nothing more than run a browser and take all their applications from the web. These will be found in places such as schools, community centres, libraries and anywhere else that needs a robust machine and has an “always on” connection. An even simpler version is the kind of web kiosk with a touch-screen that is springing up in cities such as Singapore and Toronto.

Many people will be able to do as much business as they need over the Internet with inexpensive smart mobile phones, some of which will soon take the form of a wrist-watch that can be activated by speech rather than via a fiddly keypad. Many new mobile phones are already being loaded with WAP software and microbrowsers. Another way of getting online is by interactive digital television. Early services, such as BSkyB’s Open in Britain, are still clunky, but the technology will improve, and the set-top box decoders will often come free.

The more extreme technology optimists, such as Adam Thierer of the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington DC, say that the rapidly falling price of both computing power and bandwidth will in fact create a “digital deluge”, so any policies aimed at giving access to the “information-poor” are quite unnecessary and may be counter-productive. It is a comforting view, but probably quite wrong.

The latest release of the US Department of Commerce’s survey “Falling Through the Net” paints a disturbing picture in which the digital divide between rich and poor, white and non-white, well-educated and under-schooled seems, if anything, to have widened significantly during the five years in which this information has been collected. Among the examples of the digital divide today, the survey found that:
  • People with a college degree are eight times more likely to have a PC at home and 16 times more likely to have Internet access at home than those with an elementary school education.
  • A high-income household in an urban area is 20 times more likely to have Internet access than a rural, low-income household.
  • A child in a low-income white family is three times more likely to have Internet access than a child in a comparable black family, and four times more likely than if he were Hispanic.
  • A wealthy household of Asian descent is 34 times more likely to have Internet access than a poor black household.
  • A child in a two-parent white household is twice as likely to have Internet access as a child in a single-parent household. If the child is black, he is four times more likely to have Internet access than his single-parent counterpart.
  • Disabled people are nearly three times less likely to have home access to the Internet than people without disabilities.

In other words, although Internet penetration has risen across all demographic groups, the digital divide remains only too real. It has also become a poignant proxy for almost every other kind of disadvantage and inequality in society.

Chalk and cheese

It would be hard to find a better real-life symbol for the digital divide than the gulf between Silicon Valley’s leafy Palo Alto, home to dot.com millionaires, where the average house sells for nearly $700,000, and East Palo Alto, the desperate little town on the other side of Highway 101 that not long ago claimed America’s highest murder rate. Palo Alto’s website has 251 sections and is a paragon of e-government. Among many other things, it allows users to send forms to the planning department and search the city’s library catalogue. During storms, it even provides live video footage of flood-prone San Francisquito Creek. East Palo Alto’s site, by contrast, has only three pages, containing little more than outdated population figures and the address of City Hall.

The digital divide is not so much a question of access but of education. As Esther Dyson, an Internet pundit, puts it: “You can put computers in community centres, but only the literate people are likely to go use them.” Simpler, cheaper ways of getting on to the web will help, as will content that seems relevant to those who shun the Internet today—after all, the mobile phone has conquered all social classes, thanks to its sheer usefulness and simplicity. But even with enlightened policies such as America’s “e-rate”, which gives cut-price web access to schools and libraries, and the growing number of private-public partnerships to spread both technology and training in its use, there is a danger that the “digital deluge” may reach only those parts where the grass is already green. The same people who have wired PCs today will collect all the fancy new web gadgets that are coming in, and the rest will continue to go without.

So what does this mean for e-government architects? First, as IBM’s Todd Ramsey points out, they have to accept that some people, especially the elderly, will never want to deal with government—or indeed anyone else—online. That means some off-line channels will almost certainly have to be kept open for years after everything has moved on to the web. Second, they must find ways to allow even those diehards to benefit from the e-government transformation by improving the quality of the off-line channels and targeting them better. Not all the savings from electronic service delivery will be bankable.

Third, they need to think up incentives for those on the wrong side of the digital divide to take the leap. Government may be able to act as a catalyst in a way that the private sector cannot. What persuades most people to try the Internet is the promise that they will find something relevant to them. If the most convenient way of getting welfare benefits is online, a lot of people who had never thought of using the web will have a go.


Philippines rolls out govt funds tracking system

DBM Secretary Florencio Abad

The Philippine Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has launched a management information system programme that keeps track of government lamp sum spending. The system, called electronic Transparency and Accountability Initiative for Lump Sum Funds (eTAILS), digitizes the processing of lump sum funds and supports the timely disclosure of lump sum fund release information on the DBM website (www.dbm.gov.ph).

The module for the priority development assistance fund has been rolled out during the initial phase of eTAILS project.

“This will help us not only to accurately keep track of information on such releases but also to allow the people to scrutinize how their money is allocated by their elected officials,” said DBM Secretary Florencio Abad.
The phase one also includes other lump-sum funds such as internal revenue allotment of local government units and the school building funds.

Meanwhile, the second phase will be developed to strengthen accountability in the use of lump-sum funds.

Its features will enable agencies to electronically submit reports together with photos, video and other supporting files on projects under lump sum funds.

The budget department likewise unveiled the 2011 People’s Budget which is a simplified version of the 2011 National Budget.
“We translated the National Budget into a language that is easier to understand by the people. This, we hope, will be able to help citizens participate more in the budget process,” Abad said.

The People’s Budget contains a summary of the 2011 General Appropriations Act, including budgetary allocations for priority programmes and projects. It also contains basics on the Philippine budget process.


Galaxy promotes Nigeria’s e-government plans

Galaxy Backbone will connect more of Nigeria's government departments
Galaxy Backbone, the organization that ensures connectivity to federal government’s ministries, agencies and other institutions, is making plans to extend further connectivity to the other institutions in Nigeria.

This development is part of the federal government’s desire to enhance the capacity of the public sector in order to deliver government programmes using information communication technology (ICT).

Galaxy Backbone has extended broadband services to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) within the Abuja metropolis through its metro-wide fibre optic network.
The build-out of Galaxy Backbone metro-wide fibre optic network, covering over 350 km of the Federal Capital Territory, has ensured that all arms of the federal government with over 150 MDAs including the Presidency and the National Assembly through broadband.

Martin Ahachi, Galaxy Backbone CTO says over the years the company has developed its technical and operational capacity to deliver on its mission.

Ahachi states that Galaxy Backbone has an extensive and integrated ICT infrastructure platform that combines very small aperture terminal (VSAT), radio and fibre to ensure availability of multiple redundancies for its customers.

“The deployment of fibre optic cable to major MDAs has enhanced the quality of services deliver to our customers,” says Ahachi.
“We are also providing other value-added services such as video phones to more than 50 MDAs on a unified numbering, tele-presence, video conferencing and virtual private network,” Ahachi added.

Yusuf Kazaure, Galaxy Backbone Group Head for Customer Operations and Services says the company’s commitment to investment decisions and technology choices will guarantee its long-term viability, relevance and competitive advantage.

Kazaure says Galaxy will continue to deliver such benefits as cost savings through the economies of scale and prevention of the duplication of government’s investments in ICT.


Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Services offered by Yesser program to be doubled in next five years

The number of electronic services offered under the Yesser e-government program will be doubled in the next five years, the official in charge of the initiative said in Riyadh on Monday.
"The Yesser program which was commissioned in 2006 has put in place more than 700 electronic services by 100 public sector agencies," Ali Al-Soma, director general of Yesser, said at the inauguration of the e-government summit in the capital.

He added these services would increase by 100 percent because of the support and assistance given by the government to develop e-government services in the Kingdom.

"The government attaches high significance to the e-government concept and the transformation process that leads to its realization. It strongly believes in the huge benefits such a concept entails for the national economy, " the director general said, describing Yesser as a journey toward an information society.

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology established the e-government program in 2005 in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the Communication and Information Technology Commission (CITC).

The objectives of Yesser is to raise the public sector's productivity and efficiency and provide better and more easy-to-use services for individuals and business customers and to increase returns on investment.

Spelling out Yesser's future programs during the next five years, Al-Soma said it would soon set up a unified national e-government contact center where expatriates and nationals could easily access online services provided by the ministries and government departments throughout the Kingdom.
"The public could avail themselves of the services of this center on a 24/7 basis," he said. He also noted that Yesser would also introduce self-service machines similar to bank ATMs to provide the public with needed information on all public sector agencies. "Besides these electronic services, we also have plans to set up centers where citizens and residents could walk in to get information on the functions and activities of the various government agencies," he said, adding that the government would also launch more than 50 initiatives to develop the scheme over the next few years.

Enumerating the achievements of the Yesser program over the past five years, he said an e-government center has been established in accordance with the highest technical and security specifications.

It handles the intermediate operations and common national e-applications in order to facilitate transmission and integration of data between government agencies, which helps streamline e-government service delivery.
"The center is one of the infrastructure projects on which the program depends on as a link between computer centers in various government agencies that are going to be gradually linked with this center according to the program's operational plan," he said. The center utilizes the latest techniques, programs and storage solutions as well as possessing the ability to meet the needs of future growth.

The center uses alternative means for each of its components to ensure continuity and quality of service and avoid interruptions.
The center is one of three distributed among a few cities to guarantee protection of all e-government services and data against possible disasters or threats.

The center ensures continued operations by maintaining its self-resources facilities including redundant power sources, UPS, power generators, power distribution panels, a biometric access control security system, video cameras, motion detectors, redundant air-conditioning, water leakage monitoring system, temperature recorders, high speed data line equipment, internal cabling and raised floors.


Greek eGovernment Interoperability Framework

The Greek e-gif has been regulated in the Greek Legal system with the article 27 of the Law 3731/2008. The Hellenic Ministry of Interior, Decentralization and E-government is responsible for the maintenance of Greek E-Gif in co-operation with the public agencies in Greece. The Greek e-gif also provides several the xml schemas, core components, codelists according to the UN/CEFACT/CCTS, in order to describe the documents and the data that the Greek public administration exchanges. The Greek e-Government Interoperability Framework (Greek e-GIF) consists of the following main documents:
  • The Certification Framework for Public Administration web sites and portals, which specifies the directions and standards which must be followed during the development of public web sites for the Greek Public Administration
  • The Interoperability and Electronic Services Provisioning Framework, which defines the main principles and the general strategy to be followed by the public agencies when developing e-government Information Systems
  • The Digital Authentication Framework, which sets the standards, the procedures and the technologies required for the registration, identification and authentication of the users (Citizens / Enterprises)
  • The Documentation Model for Public Administration Processes and Data, which describes the notation, the rules and the specifications for the documentation of processes, documents and electronic data exchange.

The results of the Greek E-Gif regarding e-services, responsilbilities, processes, documents, data, xml schemas, core components, codelists etc, are stored in the interoperability registry hosted by the Public Administration National Portal "Ermis" http://www.ermis.gov.gr/portal/page/portal/ermis/.

Aims and objectives

Adopt and maintain standards, specifications and rules for the development and deployment of web-based front and back-office systems for the Greek Public Administration
Accelerate the development of electronic collaboration of public agencies, for the delivery of high quality and secure one-stop eGovernment services to businesses, citizens and other public bodies

The Greek Interoperability Framework is in conformance with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and applies best practices from relevant international standardisation


Social media is Pentagon's new battlefield

THE Pentagon is asking scientists to figure out how to detect and counter propaganda on social media networks in the aftermath of Arab uprisings driven by Twitter and Facebook.

The US military's high-tech research arm, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, has put out a request for experts to look at “a new science of social networks” that would attempt to get ahead of the curve of events unfolding on new media.
The program's goal was to track “purposeful or deceptive messaging and misinformation” in social networks and to pursue “counter messaging of detected adversary influence operations,” according to DARPA's request for proposals issued on July 14.

The project echoes concerns among top military officers about the lightning pace of change in the Middle East, where social networks have served as an engine for protest against some longtime US allies.

Some senior officers have spoken privately of the need to better track unrest revealed in social networks and to look for ways to shape outcomes in the Arab world through Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.

“Events of strategic as well as tactical importance to our Armed Forces are increasingly taking place in social media space,” the DARPA announcement said.

“We must, therefore, be aware of these events as they are happening and be in a position to defend ourselves within that space against adverse outcomes,” it said.
DARPA predicted that social networks would have a groundbreaking effect on warfare.

“Changes to the nature of conflict resulting from the use of social media are likely to be as profound as those resulting from previous communications revolutions,” it said.

Under the proposal, researchers would be expected to unearth and classify the “formation, development and spread of ideas and concepts (memes)” in social media.

The document cited a case in which authorities employed social media to head off a potential crisis, but did not specify details of the incident.

“For example, in one case rumours about the location of a certain individual began to spread in social media space and calls for storming the rumoured location reached a fever pitch,” it said.

“By chance, responsible authorities were monitoring the social media, detected the crisis building, sent out effective messaging to dispel the rumours and averted a physical attack on the rumoured location.”
DARPA planned to spend $39 million on the Social Media in Strategic Communication program, with prospective contractors asked to test algorithms through “experiments” with social media, it said.

One possible experiment could involve a “closed social media network” of two to five thousand volunteers or an online role playing game with tens of thousands of players.

AFP | .theaustralian.com.au

'Corruption Bane of Public Administration'

Corruption has eaten into the public administration system in Nigeria, making accountability of public funds difficult, Prof Ibrahim Omale the Dean, Faculty of Administration of Nasarawa State University has said.

Prof Omale who was speaking at a press briefing on a forthcoming event to mark 50 years of public administration in Nigeria organized jointly by the Nasarawa State University and University of Abuja said the incursion of the military changed the field which was formerly organized.
He said there is now a problem of poor budgeting and implementation in the system where public administrators incur costs not earlier planned for.

Prof Omale said, "Today you have a situation where 100 per cent of public funds go into private pockets for job not done at all."

He also said the international conference would discuss issues like professionalization of public administration, public private partnership, e-governance and updating of tools for public administration in Nigeria.

60 public administrators have been invited for the conference in Abuja on Monday and organizations like EFCC, ICPC, NAFDAC, NDLEA and CBN have been invited to share their experience.

UNPAN Africa

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Heboh Jingle Sari Roti di Wawancara Nazaruddin

Muhammad Nazaruddin kembali mengeluarkan pernyataan-pernyataan yang menyerang Partai Demokrat. Kali ini difokuskan kepada Ketua Umum Anas Urbaningrum. Beberapa kali Mantan Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat itu terekam dalam wawancara langsung di Metro TV. Justru dalam wawancara langsung pada Selasa, 19 Juli 2011 sekitar pukul 17.30 WIB lalu, terdengar ada suara janggal dan meragukan kebenaran rekaman tersebut.

Dalam rekaman tersebut wawancara yang dipandu presenter Indra Maulana itu, terdengar jingle iklan Sari Roti. Jingle Sari Roti pertama tidak jelas terdengar. Tetapi, yang kedua kembali terdengar jelas bagian intro jingle produk roti tersebut. Ini saat Nazaruddin sedang membeberkan dana yang digelontorkan untuk memenangkan Anas Urbaningrum di Kongres Partai Demokrat lalu di Bandung.

Saling tuding dan bantah pun terus dilanyangkan dua pihak yang hingga kini masih belum menemukan titik penyelesaian pada kasus penyelewengan dana wisma atlit untuk Sea Games Palembang tahun 2011.

Ada beberapa kemungkinan dari mana suara itu berasal. Pertama, bisa bersumber dari ringtone telepon selular. Kedua, memang berasal langsung dari gerobak keliling pedagang Sari Roti. Kemungkinan itu memunculkan sederet pertanyaan.

Jika merupakan ringtone, apakah telepon selular yang menjadi sumber di sekitar Nazaruddin ataukah di dalam studio Metro TV? Atau suara itu malah datang dari pedagang Sari Roti yang berkeliling di dekat lokasi Nazaruddin berada?

courtesy : youtube / metrotvnews.com/Vivanews


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