Editor : Martin Simamora, S.IP |Martin Simamora Press

Selasa, 22 September 2015

Pesawat Tempur dan Kapal Perang Perkuat Perairan Natuna

Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) akan memperkuat perairan Natuna dengan menambah sejumlah kapal perang dan kapal patroli serta pesawat tempur guna mengamankan wilayah Pulau Natuna dari kejahatan laut dan konflik Laut Tiongkok Selatan.

"Kita akan perkuat di sini (Natuna), baik dari TNI Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut maupun Angkatan Udara," kata Menhan Jenderal TNI (Purn) Ryamizard Ryacudu saat melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Pulau Natuna, Kepulauan Riau,
Rabu (16/9/2015).

Menurut dia, Pulau Natuna wajib diperkuat sejumlah alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) yang dimiliki TNI. Sebab, pulau ini berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Tiongkok Selatan yang saat ini dirundung konflik.

"Di sini pulau yang paling jauh di utara, salah satu pintu gerbang Indonesia. Di utara, di Laut Cina Selatan masih ada ketegangan, antara Tiongkok dan beberapa negara ASEAN, seperti Malaysia, Vietnam, dan Filipina. Tentu Amerika juga akan hadir di tengah-tengah ketegangan ini," katanya.

Ketua Komisi I DPR Dukung TNI Beli Sukhoi SU-35

Komisi I DPR mendukung TNI membeli pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-35. Dewan menilai Sukhoi SU-35 bisa menggantikan pesawat tempur jenis F-5 Tiger karena sudah tidak layak.

Ketua Komisi I DPR Mahfudz Sidiq mengatakan, peremajaan pesawat tempur sudah seharusnya dilakukan. Bahkan, dia menilai, TNI tidak boleh tanggung dalam membeli pesawat tempur.

"TNI sudah mengajukan kebutuhan Sukhoi SU-35 dan sudah disampaikan ke Komisi I DPR. Komisi I prinsipnya mendukung kalau untuk perimbangan kekuatan. Sekalian saja, jangan tanggung-tanggung," kata Mahfudz di Kompleks Parlemen, Jakarta, Kamis (10/9/2015).

Senin, 21 September 2015

China Membangun Landasan Pesawat Ketiga Di Kepulauan Laut China Selatan

Previous satellite pictures of construction and dredging under way at Mischief Reef in the Splatly Islands. © Getty Images

China terlihat sedang membangun landasan pesawat ketiga pada  teritori yang sedang diperebutkan di kawasan Laut China Selatan, seorang pakar Amerika Serikat telah mengatakan hal itu  belum lama ini pada Senin 14 September, menanggapi  serangkaian foto satelit yang diambil  seminggu sebelumnya.

Foto-foto tersebut diambil untuk Center for Strategic and International Studies atau CSIS  Washington, yang memperlihatkan pembangunan di Mischief Reef [jadi ini adalah kepulauan batu karang], satu dari sejumlah pulau-pulau buatan China yang telah diciptakan dalam kepulauan Spratly.

Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Thales Memasok Sistem Pertahanan Udara ForceShield Kepada Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia

Thales telah menandatangani sebuah kontrak dengan The Westar Group’s Global Komited untuk memasok sistem pertahanan udara tingkat lanjut terintegrasinya, ForceSHIELD, kepada Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia.

Sistem ini mencakup misil-misil STARStreak,  sistem radar CONTROLMaster 200 dan sistem-sistem koordinasi senjata, sistem-sistem persenjataan bergerak atau mobile: RAPIDRanger dan RAPIDRover.

CEO Thales Inggris, sebagaimana dilansir airforce-technology.com, mengatakan: “Saya senang bahwa negara lain telah memutuskan untuk membeli ForceSHIELD.
“Sensor-sensor generasi termaju ini   akan menjadi solusi yang membawa perubahan  besar yang akan memberikan  Malaysia sebuah kapabilitas berkelas dunia dengan teknologi termaju.

CV 90 Swedia, Cocok Untuk Pergerakan Pasukan Komando

Buku : Managing Catastrophic Loss of Sensitive Data: A Guide for IT and Security ...

Cek Status NIK Pada www.dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id Tidak Berfungsi

Tidak dapat diketahui sejak  kapan “cek status NIK” pada situs resmi kemendagri  ini tak berfungsi baik, namun, saat penulis memasukan data NIK, tidak mengeluarkan informasi yang diharapkan, sebagaimana diperlihatkan melalui salinan gambar di bawah ini:

Padahal database NIK ini, digambarkan  canggih sebagaimana situs kemendagri.go.id menyatakannya:
Karena kerahasiaan data, penjagaan ruang database ini cukup ketat. Untuk masuk, pengunjung harus melewati dua pintu. Setiap pintu dipasang kunci otomatis dengan sistem finger print. Hanya petugas yang sidik jari sudah direkam yang bisa membuka ini. Dua orang petugas keamanan juga berjaga setiap saat di belakang daun pintu.

Pusat database sendiri terdapat dalam ruangan khusus berukuran 9x10 meter persegi. Belasan lemari kabinet setinggi dua meter berjejer dipenuhi server dengan lampu yang kedap-kedip. Untuk menjaga server bekerja normal, suhu ruangan diatur maksimal 23 derajat celcius.

Jumat, 18 September 2015

Book: Counterterrorism and Cybersecurity: Total Information Awareness

ASEAN and China to step up crackdown on cyber crime

Lu Wei speaks at the China-ASEAN Information Harbor Forum
held in Nanning, Sept. 13. (Photo/CNS)

An official with China's Ministry of Public Security on Monday called on his country and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to strengthen cooperation in the fight against cross-border cyber crime.

"There are new trends in cyber crime, for example terror cells using the internet to spread extremism, recruit members, plot attacks and conduct money laundering," said Zhong Zhong, deputy chief of the ministry's Internet Security Bureau.

Addressing the China-ASEAN Information Harbor Forum held in Nanning, capital of south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Zhong said more than 90% of online fraud and gambling sites that target Chinese citizens use overseas servers and virtual private networks (VPNs).

Zhong said China-ASEAN cooperation has yielded results. In a joint-police operation against online gambling between China, Vietnam and Myanmar in 2014, 119 suspects were arrested and 64 million yuan (US$10 million) was frozen, he said.

Minggu, 13 September 2015

Book: "Cyber Threat!: How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks" - By MacDonnell Ulsch

A New Indonesia Military Boost Near the South China Sea?

Indonesian navy vessels at dock, Natuna Island.
Image Credit: Victor Robert Lee

The country’s defense minister says it will strengthen its air defenses “to be prepared.”
Earlier this week, the Indonesian defense minister said that the country would boost its defenses near the South China Sea in anticipation of future threats.

Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said that Indonesia will equip the Natuna islands near the South China Sea with a port and extend its military air base runway so that it can accommodate more planes. He also added that more jet fighters would be stationed at the Ranai military air base in Natuna.

“We are not in a war situation, but the South China Sea is very close to us,” Ryamizard added. “We have to be prepared. Our weapon systems are good, but we need to add more so that we don’t need to worry all the time.”

US and China officials talk cybersecurity after Obama's warning about attacks

Susan Rice with Fan Changlong at the Chinese Ministry of National Defense in Beijing on August 28 during a visit aimed at resolving tensions over cyber attacks. Talks between US and China officials have continued in Washington. Photograph: Ng Han Guan/AFP/Getty Images
Four days of talks wrap up to help prepare for president Xi Jinping’s visit later this month including a ‘frank and open exchange’ about thorny cyber issues

Senior US and Chinese officials have met to discuss cybersecurity and other issues ahead of Chinese president Xi Jinping’s visit to Washington later this month.

Cybersecurity is a thorny topic between the two powers and China has long been blamed for cyber attacks on US commercial interests and sensitive government personnel records.

The discussions included a “frank and open exchange about cyber issues” between the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and Meng Jianzhu, a senior Communist party secretary for political and legal affairs, the White House said.

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Buku: E-Government: From Vision to Implementation

What is holding up Philippines' e-government?

If you lament the slow-moving traffic in the Philippines, you shouldn’t feel impatient with other things that may move even slower in this country when it has something to do with public administration and governance.

Next to the snail’s pace in the delivery of justice in this country, we nominate the formation of an overseer for information and communications technology (ICT) as the next worst.

Now over a decade in the making, the establishment of a government body that would be in charge of developing, planning, and promoting the government’s ICT agenda is still in limbo despite being tagged as a priority measure. How difficult can this task be?

On closer scrutiny, this is a case where the horses are running full speed ahead, except someone forgot to hitch them to the chariot. We have individual ICT programs for most government agencies that thinks it needs one.

Data dangers: Can data be too open?

It's a sunny day and canoeists across England head for the nearest river. Before setting out, they check an app that tells them how fast that river is flowing. Too swiftly or too slowly? Then perhaps they'll head to the beach, checking an app for bathing water quality. Afterwards they might relax with a glass of English wine, much improved since growers have been able to identify the most propitious soils in which to plant their vines.

This is the kind of scenario that environment secretary Liz Truss hopes will unfold as the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) rolls out its Open Data initiative. It is, she claims, the biggest single government "data give-away". By making 8,000 data sets available to the public, the government says it will make it easier for people to experience the countryside and improve the environment, and save money for businesses.

Corruption Perceptions Index 2018

Why China is building islands in the South China Sea


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