It will take a revolution to bring real change to the American political system -- that is the message Ted Rall is taking across the US to promote his new book The Anti-American Manifesto. The cartoonist and outspoken war critic calls for the fight for democracy to begin. "The Anti-American manifesto is addressing the fact that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are able or willing to address the biggest problems facing the US today, which are the economy, the environment, healthcare and the wars," Rall told RT.
"And now you have to ask yourself as an American do you want to tolerate the system that is unresponsive and not going to go anywhere or do you want to change it. The Anti-American Manifesto is not anti-American, it is anti the American government, or more specifically, this American government. We can do better and that's what I want to do." Speaking on America's main problems, Ted Rall also touched upon aggression on state level based on the current global economic situation.
"The reason I oppose this particular regime is because it is so aggressively violent," the cartoonist claimed. "As the rest of the world knows, the US is always involved in some kind of war of aggression, it rarely goes an entire year without invading some foreign country and that's only part of that story. There is the overall economic system that the US presides over that is incredibly violent and unjust. So I'm talking about taking on this monolith, this violent horrible disgusting system that is brutal and is willing to do anything. You are going up against them -- you can't fight these guys with one arm tied behind your back, you are probably going to lose anyway, but you have to be serious." Rall claimed that with the current state of things there is almost no hope that someone will rise up against the dominating monster.
"Anti-Americanism is rampant throughout the world, obviously, and not just in the Muslim world, and much of it is justified, unfortunately, due to US foreign policy," he said. "In terms of other countries -- let's face it, if you are the president of a random republic somewhere in Central Asia, for instance, are you really going to challenge or criticize the US government which is the sole remaining hyper-power, the largest exporter of arms and possesses a bigger military presence than ten countries combined? No. I don't think so. Everyone's afraid of us because we're a bunch of bullies!"
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