What exactly is 'nano'? It's become a buzzword, spawning many gimmicky products over the recent years, but what role will the real nano technology play in our lives? From smart metro tickets to futuristic flexible electronics, RT's Technology Update's got the future covered.
Selasa, 30 November 2010
'4 Bln Euros vanish from EU budget annually'
Gripped by protests and crisis, EU nations are being forced to fend for themselves. It is time to go back to the drawing board, before it is too late, believes Nirj Deva, MEP, UK Conservative Party. He says the entire construct of the European Union is becoming unmanageable."The construct is incapable of meeting the challenges of the 21st Century. It was constructed after the war - Churchill's 'Empires of the Mind' in a single European space.
It was constructed to prevent a major war in the Continental Europe by locking Germany, France and all the other countries into single space with settled values - democratic, pluralistic - diverse, but accountable values," Deva told RT. "Now it needs a new construct to be able to work in cooperation with Russia, with primary energy producers and suppliers, to work as a good neighbor in areas such as Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and so on. We need therefore a much more flexible construct," he added.
It was constructed to prevent a major war in the Continental Europe by locking Germany, France and all the other countries into single space with settled values - democratic, pluralistic - diverse, but accountable values," Deva told RT. "Now it needs a new construct to be able to work in cooperation with Russia, with primary energy producers and suppliers, to work as a good neighbor in areas such as Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and so on. We need therefore a much more flexible construct," he added.
'US Zombie Empire: Re-distributed bailout would mean $350,000 per American'
It will take a revolution to bring real change to the American political system -- that is the message Ted Rall is taking across the US to promote his new book The Anti-American Manifesto. The cartoonist and outspoken war critic calls for the fight for democracy to begin. "The Anti-American manifesto is addressing the fact that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are able or willing to address the biggest problems facing the US today, which are the economy, the environment, healthcare and the wars," Rall told RT.
"And now you have to ask yourself as an American do you want to tolerate the system that is unresponsive and not going to go anywhere or do you want to change it. The Anti-American Manifesto is not anti-American, it is anti the American government, or more specifically, this American government. We can do better and that's what I want to do." Speaking on America's main problems, Ted Rall also touched upon aggression on state level based on the current global economic situation.
"The reason I oppose this particular regime is because it is so aggressively violent," the cartoonist claimed. "As the rest of the world knows, the US is always involved in some kind of war of aggression, it rarely goes an entire year without invading some foreign country and that's only part of that story. There is the overall economic system that the US presides over that is incredibly violent and unjust. So I'm talking about taking on this monolith, this violent horrible disgusting system that is brutal and is willing to do anything. You are going up against them -- you can't fight these guys with one arm tied behind your back, you are probably going to lose anyway, but you have to be serious." Rall claimed that with the current state of things there is almost no hope that someone will rise up against the dominating monster.
"Anti-Americanism is rampant throughout the world, obviously, and not just in the Muslim world, and much of it is justified, unfortunately, due to US foreign policy," he said. "In terms of other countries -- let's face it, if you are the president of a random republic somewhere in Central Asia, for instance, are you really going to challenge or criticize the US government which is the sole remaining hyper-power, the largest exporter of arms and possesses a bigger military presence than ten countries combined? No. I don't think so. Everyone's afraid of us because we're a bunch of bullies!"
"And now you have to ask yourself as an American do you want to tolerate the system that is unresponsive and not going to go anywhere or do you want to change it. The Anti-American Manifesto is not anti-American, it is anti the American government, or more specifically, this American government. We can do better and that's what I want to do." Speaking on America's main problems, Ted Rall also touched upon aggression on state level based on the current global economic situation.
"The reason I oppose this particular regime is because it is so aggressively violent," the cartoonist claimed. "As the rest of the world knows, the US is always involved in some kind of war of aggression, it rarely goes an entire year without invading some foreign country and that's only part of that story. There is the overall economic system that the US presides over that is incredibly violent and unjust. So I'm talking about taking on this monolith, this violent horrible disgusting system that is brutal and is willing to do anything. You are going up against them -- you can't fight these guys with one arm tied behind your back, you are probably going to lose anyway, but you have to be serious." Rall claimed that with the current state of things there is almost no hope that someone will rise up against the dominating monster.
"Anti-Americanism is rampant throughout the world, obviously, and not just in the Muslim world, and much of it is justified, unfortunately, due to US foreign policy," he said. "In terms of other countries -- let's face it, if you are the president of a random republic somewhere in Central Asia, for instance, are you really going to challenge or criticize the US government which is the sole remaining hyper-power, the largest exporter of arms and possesses a bigger military presence than ten countries combined? No. I don't think so. Everyone's afraid of us because we're a bunch of bullies!"
Administrasi Publik,
Kebijakan Publik
Sabtu, 27 November 2010
Student fury fills London, Empire strikes back across EU
Calm is being restored in central London after a day of violent protests. Thousands of students took to the streets to demonstrate against government plans to increase university tuition fees and slash teaching budgets. Elsewhere in Europe, public discontent is mounting as the single currency plunges deeper into crisis. It's feared Portugal could be next in the line for EU aid.
Berita Internasional,
Kebijakan Publik
Jumat, 26 November 2010
Calm is being restored in central London after a day of violent protests. Thousands of students took to the streets to demonstrate against government plans to increase university tuition fees and slash teaching budgets. The widespread unrest saw missiles being hurled at police, windows smashed at Whitehall and several people injured. Authorities say over 30 arrests were made for criminal damage and public disorder. School and university students engaged in local rallies across the UK.
Berita Internasional,
Kebijakan Publik,
Masyarakat Mesir Pantau Ketat Proses Pemilu Dengan ICT
Pemberangusan media-media tertentu dan penahanan politisi dari kelompok oposisi telah mendorong berbagai lembaga swadaya masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan ICT. Mulai dengan menggunakan kamera telepon selular untuk merekam berbagai bentuk tindakan intimidasi dan penyimpangan untuk kemudian dikirimkan melalui MMS untuk disiarkan melalui website.
Diperkirakan 10.000 orang akan terlibat melakukan pengawasan proses pemilihan umum di Mesir dengan mendayagunakan perangkat ICT dan media sosial elektronik.
Diperkirakan 10.000 orang akan terlibat melakukan pengawasan proses pemilihan umum di Mesir dengan mendayagunakan perangkat ICT dan media sosial elektronik.
Kamis, 25 November 2010
Peghematan Yang Gila-Gilaan : Semua Pemerintahan Dalam Dusta Hutang!
Protests against austerity measures have flared up once more in cities across Europe. A 24-hour general strike is underway in Portugal over public sector pay cuts and tax rises, two days before parliament votes on a severe new budget. The strike is set to cause the biggest disruption in the country for over two decades. Meanwhile, unrest is building in the UK over the government's proposals to increase university tuition fees
USS George Washington en route to South Korea
The US aircraft carrier George Washington has left Yokosuka US Navy port in Japan to join exercises with the South Korean naval force planned for next week. A US Navy press release said the exercise was planned before North Korea's artillery attack on a South Korean island. South Korea's troops are on high alert following the military skirmish that left at least four dead and has greatly heightened tensions on the peninsula. The joint exercise in the waters west of the Korean peninsula will start on Sunday and last for four days
Teluk Korea Membara, Korea Selatan Ancam Serang Balik yang Besar
South Korea's president has threatened "enormous retaliation" against North Korea if there is any further aggression against his country, just hours after scores of northern artillery shells hit Yeonpyeong, a South Korean island.
At least two soldiers were killed, 19 others injured, and many houses set ablaze on Tuesday in what appeared to be one of the most serious border incidents since the 1950-53 Korean war.
The South Korean military was placed on its highest state of alert and troops fired back with their own artillery.
Both countries claimed the other had triggered the clashes.
Divya Gopalan reports on the first norhern attack on South Korean soil in more than half a century.
At least two soldiers were killed, 19 others injured, and many houses set ablaze on Tuesday in what appeared to be one of the most serious border incidents since the 1950-53 Korean war.
The South Korean military was placed on its highest state of alert and troops fired back with their own artillery.
Both countries claimed the other had triggered the clashes.
Divya Gopalan reports on the first norhern attack on South Korean soil in more than half a century.
Rabu, 24 November 2010
Biogas solution in India
A company in southern India has come up with a viable way for poor households to help themselves.
The locally-made biogas plant, filled with bacteria found in the stomachs of cows, silently and odorlessly converts food waste and into gas.
More than 20 thousand homes in Kerala have installed the hand made plant, and the money they save pays off the machine in less than 3 years.
Their home cooking, they say, tastes all the better for its green credentials.
Al Jazeera's Tarek Bazley reports from Thiruvananthapuram, India, on a solution in India that got's plenty of merit when it comes to powering homes in areas of the developing world often beset by power cuts.
The locally-made biogas plant, filled with bacteria found in the stomachs of cows, silently and odorlessly converts food waste and into gas.
More than 20 thousand homes in Kerala have installed the hand made plant, and the money they save pays off the machine in less than 3 years.
Their home cooking, they say, tastes all the better for its green credentials.
Al Jazeera's Tarek Bazley reports from Thiruvananthapuram, India, on a solution in India that got's plenty of merit when it comes to powering homes in areas of the developing world often beset by power cuts.
Berita Internasional,
ICT Green
Korea Diambang Perang?
As tensions between North and South Korea heat up, Russia has warned against escalating aggression. Russian foreign ministry says the clashes are unacceptable and called on both sides to show restraint to prevent the outbreak of military conflict. North Korea is threatening to continue launching strikes against the South if it violates their disputed sea border. The north also claims that its neighbour was the first to fire artillery shells. However, Seoul insists it acted in retaliation after rockets hit one of its islands. It was initially reported that North Korea fired over 200 rounds across its western maritime border, destroying dozens of houses. The South says the attack killed two marines and injured at least 17 people
Selasa, 23 November 2010
CrossTalk: Killer Of A Debt
In this edition of Peter Lavelle's CrossTalk, he asks his guests if the rich western countries will ever be able to pay off their mountains of debt -- and the consequences of not doing so.
Administrasi Publik,
Berita Internasional
Sabtu, 20 November 2010
Body Scanner, Perangkat Security Yang Sangat Tak Sopan
John Tyner, a California man, became a national sensation when he recorded his encounter during an airport security pat-down. After the exchange, Tyner uploaded the video to the web and shortly after - it went viral. "We can do that out here, but if you touch my junk I am going to have you arrested," Tyner told the airport security official. The US media has had a field day, reporting the pros and cons of body scanning machines and pat-downs in the name of security. But one question they failed to ask is: who is behind the push for the body scanners?
Berita Internasional
Eurozone Fear Factor to Bailout Irish Black Hole
Britain says it's ready to help debt-hit Ireland with billions of pounds of direct loans. At a meeting of European finance ministers, Chancellor George Osborne said it's in Britain's interest to support their closest neighbour.The meeting comes amid fresh market turmoil and fears some smaller economies like Portugal and Ireland are unable to service their massive debts. The E.U. President warned the Eurozone is actually facing a fight to survive. Ireland has so far rejected any help. RT talks to Fredrik Erixon, a director at the European Centre for International Political Economy.
Berita Internasional
Ireland should go bankrupt!
RT talks to author, financial commentator and investor Jim Rogers about the debt-stricken Ireland and EU's attempts to save it.
Berita Internasional
96th Episode is a special 'Crash JP Morgan' edition of the Keiser Report. This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the call from Eric Cantona to withdraw money from the banks and at the viral 'Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver' campaign by Max Keiser. In the second half of the show Max talks to Alex Jones about Google bombs, naked body scanners and 'Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver'.
Berita Internasional
Jumat, 19 November 2010
A researcher explains why Stuxnet is such a dangerous worm that can affect systems previously thought protected. CNN Reports.
Berita Internasional,
Cyber Space,
Stuxnet has been described as a new class of computer virus, the most refined piece of malware ever discovered, the world's first cyber super-weapon. It is the first publicly-known worm capable of taking control of industrial systems. It could disable the safety systems at a nuclear power plant, contaminate fresh water supplies at a treatment facility, or take over control of oil or gas pipelines. So who is behind this powerful piece of malware? And is the world witnessing a new frontier in cyber war?
Berita Internasional,
Cyber Space,
Germany on high alert
Germany is tightening security at airports and train stations after receiving evidence of planned attacks in the next two weeks, the interior ministry has said.
"The security situation in Germany has become more serious," Thomas de Maiziere, Germany's interior minister said on Wednesday.
The German government won't say how it knows it's at risk of attack, but security has been stepped up in all the usual places to prove how concerned the country is about this new threat.
The authorities in Berlin claim the new information came to light in the aftermath of the foiled plan, hatched in Yemen, to bomb a cargo plane.
Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee reports.
Green Fuels Technology
The United States and other nations say they are committed to a greener future. That commitment has been helped in recent years with millions of dollars of investment in cleaner fuels technology - and as VOA's Rebecca Ward reports - the investment seems to be paying off
Afghanistan, Cyber Security, Missile Defense and Russia Are NATO's Top Concerns
When world leaders gather in Lisbon for a NATO Summit later this week, they're expected to discuss the future of the alliance, its role in the world, and its relationship with Russia. The Alliance is attempting to redefine itself as it enters the second decade of the 21st Century.
Berita Internasional,
Rabu, 17 November 2010
Selasa, 16 November 2010
Russia, China & India Summit Set to Kick Crashed Global System to Touch
The centerstage of world economy and politics is shifting to the Asia Pacific region - that's the view of Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. He was speaking in China at a meeting of ministers of three emerging powers. Russia, India and China are part of a powerful bloc known as BRIC which is hoping to change the economic landscape of the planet. So who's already leaving the dominant powers of today, behind? RT's Tesa Arcilla knows the answer.
Russia Today
Dennis Kucinich: Flawed US economy works against people
Republican victories in the recent US mid-term elections have highlighted the growing dissatisfaction with the current government. RT spoke with Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich about the challenges the US is facing. "What we had was that Wall Street dictated a bailout. Wall Street dictated the terms of reforms. Wall Street was getting their banks taken care of and Main Street was losing jobs, income dropping, losing homes, and people are going to hold the party in power responsible - which is what they did," Dennis Kucinich said
Kucinich said that the structure of the US economy just does not work anymore for an average working person. "The American economic system, when it comes to delivering food to the practical aspirations of Americans, is falling apart," he said. "The economic system itself is the problem, and whether it's a Democrat or a Republican in charge of it, look, it is a faulty vehicle right now." Kucinich added, "America has to go through a restructuring, because frankly, the way the economy is set up right now, is against the working people, it is against the middle class." He said that if Republicans and Democrats, the two major parties which have a responsibility to the American people, fail to deliver in the following two years - the tidal forces of voter anger are going to wash both parties out.
Russia Today http://economiccrisis.us
Words not Deeds? G20 Calls Currency War Time-Out
The world's richest economies have agreed to try and prevent currency wars, so as not to stifle the much-needed global economic recovery. But experts say it's more of a ceasefire than a solution, as tensions simmer between the U.S. and the major exporters such as China and Germany. Anissa Naouai's has more from Seoul.
G20: The System is Broke
The G20 has agreed to work to prevent currency wars, which could threaten global trade growth. b The summit in Seoul was overshadowed by tensions between the U.S. and major exporters China and Germany. The countries have been accusing each other of manipulating currency rates.
Amerika Serikat Coba Rayu Israel Dengan 20 Jet F35 Siluman
The U.S. is desperately trying to revive the stalled Middle East peace talks, by enticing Israel to extend its construction moratorium in occupied Palestinian territories.Washington's put 20 stealth fighter jets worth $3 billion on the table - and a pledge to fight any international resolutions against Israel. In exchange, it wants Israel to halt construction in the West Bank for three months, with a U.S. promise not to ask to prolong it further. Palestinians are criticising the plan, saying the proposed freeze will not apply to East Jerusalem.
Berita Internasional
Senin, 15 November 2010
UK students smashing windows, starting fire in London protest
Britain's seeing its biggest protest yet against the deep cuts the country faces to tackle its massive debts. Tens of thousands of students are protesting against a planned hike in tuition fees which could see them treble to 9-thousand pounds a year. Violence flared briefly during the overwhelmingly peaceful protest as a handful of people smashed windows in a high-rise building that houses the headquarters of the Conservative Party, part of the governing coalition. Britain's Liberal Democrats, who are part of the coalition, pledged during the country's election campaign to abolish fees.
Administrasi Publik,
Berita Internasional
G20, A Path to New World Order
As the G20 summit got under way in South Korea, President Obama voiced confidence that leaders would agree on steps for balanced and sustainable global economic growth. However, if you listen closer you might hear what is really going on. According to Author Jeffrey Grupp the New World Order (NWO) is hard at work making all the economic decisions for the world's economies.
G20 : US-China Currency War Clouds Perspective
The G20 leaders are in South Korea - all trying to get their countries' back into good financial health, but each keeping an eye on the currency war that threatens to overshadow the summit. The heads of the world's biggest economies are keen to stop nations using their exchange rates to keep their own countries afloat at a cost to the others. Anissa Naouai is following the gathering in Seoul.
Jumat, 12 November 2010
Kota Moskow Atasi Kemacetan Jalan Dengan Sistem Online
Administrasi Publik,
Cyber Space,
Smart City
US job report misleading
The Labor Department released a better than expected October jobs report today but is it really good news? Unemployment is at its highest in over two decades and the housing market is displaying signs that it could dip into another sub-prime crisis. All this coming as the Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions into a US economy that is falling on its face.
Administrasi Publik,
Berita Internasional
Kamis, 11 November 2010
Bencana Lumpur Lapindo Dipicu Oleh "Human Error"
A new study has concluded that a volcanic eruption of mud in Indonesia's east Java was caused by human error. An international team of scientists says there is no doubt that drilling at a nearby gas well weakened rock formations, triggering the crisis. The company responsible for the drilling, Lapindo Brantas, claims the problem was caused by an earthquake. Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen reports from East Java.
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Berita Nasional,
Good Clean Government
Rabu, 10 November 2010
NASA astronauts vote from space
It's the 10th Anniversary of the International Space Station and not only are astronauts exploring space, they are voting from space! A few American astronauts sent in their absentee ballots from space on Election Day. But after ten years and 100 billion dollars, what come next for human space exploration? Space entrepreneur Jeffrey Manber joins RT's Dina Gusovsky to discuss the future of the program.
Administrasi Publik,
Berita Internasional,
Cyber Space,
Selasa, 09 November 2010
Selamat Datang Presiden Obama : Air Force One Simbol Hegemoni Politik Amerika Serikat
How Air Force One Works? What does the president eat on Air Force One? What are the secret defense systems?
CNN Report
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Berita Nasional
Mengevaluasi e-Government dan Kebermanfaatannya Di Brunei
Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun dan pengeluaran yang mencapai 1 miliar dolar untuk proyek-proyek e-Government, sebagian besar, uang waktu Brunei dan sumber daya telah sia-sia. Namun tak semuanya seburuk itu, karena negara Brunei menyadari adanya kebutuhan untuk mengakselerasi pertumbuhan e-Government atau menjadi negara yang tertinggal dalam abad ICT.
Pada tahun 2000, Yang Mulia Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam telah mengekspresikan harapannya untuk melihat kesultanan menjalankan inisiatif e-Government dan e-business, tidak sekedar membawa Brunei kedalam arus utama teknologi informasi global, tetap yang lebih penting lagi untuk bertindak sebagai pelaju utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara.
Melompat ke 17th Civil Service Day Celebrations yang diselenggarakan pada bulan lalu, Yang Mulia mempertanyakan lambannya implementasi proyek-proyek e-Government. Ini bukan kali pertama hal ini mengemuka, beratnya mewujudkan berbagai tujuan e-Government. Pada tahun 2008, CIO Pemerintah Pg Dato Paduka Hj Ismail Pg Hj Mohamed berujar bahwa target-target Brunei dalam lima tahun pertama implementasi e-Government terlalu ambisius.
Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan pemerintah untuk menyadari bahwa implementasi e-Government yang dijalankan melaju kearah yang keliru? Lebih penting lagi, apa yang telah kita pelajari untuk memastikan bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan yang sama tidak akan terulang kembali?
Kemajuan implementasi e-Gosvernment Brunei yang tak memuaskan selama lebih dari 10 tahun adalah sebuah pelajaran yang harus dipelajari oleh pemerintah, yang kini berfokus pada kebutuhan-kebutuhan masyarakat sebelum melaksanakan otomatisasi "bisnis" pemerintah, ujar CIO Pemerintah Hj Azhar Hj Ahmad, sebagaimana dilansir dari bt.com (5/11).
Saat penyelenggaraan Forum Teknologi bulan lalu, HJ Azhar lebih lanjut menyatakan, banyak pekerjaan yang harus dituntaskan sejak inisiatif e-Government dimulai dengan fokus pada membangun infrastruktur IT dan sistem-sistem back office.
Apakah ini berarti pemerintah harus menghabiskan waktu 10 tahun agar mengerti bahwa prioritas-prioritas e-Government adalah connecting people, membuat layanan-layanan pemerintah lebih mudah untuk diakses oleh masyarakat? Jika ini permasalahannya, apakah kita telah menempatkan orang yang tepat untuk melakukan migrasi ke pelaksanaan layanan dan administrasi e-Government?
Rangkaian evaluasi harus dilakukan untuk melihat apakah perencanaan dan riset yang tepat telah dilakukan untuk melakukan semua inisiatif e-Government. Apa saja yang menjadi penghambat-penghambat eksternal dan internal yang menyebabkan kegagalan pemerintah untuk meraih tujuan-tujuan e-Government.
Brunei's E-Government Strategic Plan 2009-2014 telah mengidentifikasi 5 prioritas untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya, yaitu; membangun kapabilitas-kapabilitas dan kapasitas, memperbaiki tata kelola pemerintah, memperkuat keamanan dan kepercayaan, mengintegrasikan pemerintah dan pelayanan yang terintegrasi, e-Service yang menyenangkan dan dapat diakses. Pada area mana kita masih berjuang untuk mewujudkannya?
Brunei sejauh ini telah membuat langkah awal yang benar--yaitu memiliki kemauan politik untuk mengimplementasikan e-Government dengan mengalokasikan sumber-sumber daya. Akan tetapi, pemerintah harus meyakinkan seluruh pegawai negerinya agar rencana yang baik dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik pula.
Bahkan, sekalipun tersedia infrastruktur ICT, apakah pegawai negeri siap untuk menerima perubahan-perubahan teknologi dan operasional dan menggunakan infrastruktur sebagai sebuah platform untuk berhubungan dengan masyarakat agar pelayanan menjadi lebih baik?Satu isu yang mengkhawatirkan adalah tidak semua pegawai negeri memiliki akun surat elektronik sendiri yang digunakan untuk kepentingan pekerjaan. Bayangkan menerima surat elektronik (surel) dari akun-akun dengan nama-nama yang terlihat tak profesional, dan juga menimbulkan masalah keamanan. Bersediakah anda berkomunikasi dengan seseorang, sementara anda tahu keamanan anda dalam resiko?
Lemahnya keamanan di dunia maya menjadi alasan utama yang menyiutkan warga dan penduduk Nrunei untuk menggunakan layanan-layanan e-Government, sebagaimana yang terungkap dalam temuan E-Government Citizen Survey. Hampir 7 ( 67%) dalam setiap 10 dari sekitar 1.500 responden menyatakan bahwa berbagai resiko terkait akses ke detail pribadi yang sensitif oleh orang-orang yang tak berwenang dan kejahatan-kejahatan cyber mempengaruhi keinginan untuk menggunakan layanan e-Government di Brunei.
Perlu dicatat bahwa dengan sebagian besar warga dan Penduduk Brunei menggunakan ICT dalam berkerja dan untuk berbagai kepentingan lainnya, kita belum memiliki hukum-hukum cyber untuk melindungi pengguna internet. Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan oleh legislatif untuk menyusun kerangka kerja? Berapa banyak orang yang akan terkena dampak hingga hukum cyber diberlakukan?
Pemerintah memanggul tanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan budaya perlindungan dan keamanan privasi, ketika masyarakat cenderung enggan menggunakan layanan-layanan masyarakat yang dihadirkan pemerintah, menyadari bahwa keamanan masyarakat tak terlindungi dengan baik ketika menggunakan layanan e-Government.
Brunei tak memiliki waktu 10 tahun lainnya atau $1 miliar lainnya untuk digunakan dalam implementasi e-Government, kerena tuntutan-tuntutan teknologi berubah dengan cepat. Apa yang kini dianggap sebagai sebuah e-Service atau keahlian ICT yang penting, mungkin tak akan relevan lagi dalam waktu 5 tahun lagi.
Sikap adanya kebutuhan mendesak sangat dibutuhkan karena itu akan mendorong pemerintah, perusahaan-perusahaan dan orang untuk berkerja sama mengatasi berbagai tantangan untuk mencapai berbagai manfaat e-Government, atu itu hanya akan menjadi sekedar janji yang tak pernah terlaksana.
(Shareen Han-- Brunei Times | Alih Bahasa : Martin Simamora)
Senin, 08 November 2010
Meninjau Kembali 25 Tahun Pembuatan Kebijakan IT Korea
Korea, negara yang dikenal dengan pencapaian pertumbuhan ekonomi cepat yang sukses. Kesenjangan yang menyelimuti Korea Selatan selama 4 hingga 5 dekade, kini Korea telah bangkit dari salah satu negara termiskin di dunia menajadi salah satu negara dengan kekuatan ekonomi terbesar di sektor global. Pendapatan gross nasional (GNI) Korea pada tahun 1962 hanya US$87 atau setara dengan negara Ghana kala itu. Kini Korea secara dramatis dan meyakinkan melampaui angka kemiskinan tersebut sebab pada tahun 1995 GNI Korea telah melampaui US$10.000 dan pada 2007 sudah membukukan capaian GNI US$20,000. Sektor IT menjadi salah satu instrumen perubahan yang memakmurkan negeri Park Ji Sung ini.
Pembangunan sektor IT telah diakui sebagai penyumbang atau salah satu pelaju utama
pertumbuhan ekonomi Korea Selatan yang luar biasa. Korea kini menjelma sebagai salah satu adi daya IT terkemuka di dunia. Pada tahun 2010 Korea menduduki peringkat pertama berdasarkan sebuah studi "Super High-Speed Internet Quality" yang dipublikasikan oleh University of Oxford, yang terungkap dalam ICT National Competitiveness Assessment for the White Paper 2010 Information and Communications yang dikeluarkan oleh Ministry of International Affairs and Communications Jepang dan Survei e-Government yang diselenggarakan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.
pertumbuhan ekonomi Korea Selatan yang luar biasa. Korea kini menjelma sebagai salah satu adi daya IT terkemuka di dunia. Pada tahun 2010 Korea menduduki peringkat pertama berdasarkan sebuah studi "Super High-Speed Internet Quality" yang dipublikasikan oleh University of Oxford, yang terungkap dalam ICT National Competitiveness Assessment for the White Paper 2010 Information and Communications yang dikeluarkan oleh Ministry of International Affairs and Communications Jepang dan Survei e-Government yang diselenggarakan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.
Faktor sektor IT yang unggul tak tumbuh begitu saja. Ternyata berbagai intervensi
pemerintah yang efektif dan hubungan-hubungan yang dekat antara sektor-sektor pemerintah dan swasta juga disebut sebagai faktor-faktor kunci sukses industri Korea.
Pemerintah Korea memiliki berbagai kebijakan terkait IT yang meliputi 3 bidang : membangun infrastruktur Informasi; mempromosikan aktivitas-aktivitas industri, termasuk membangun kapasitas industri ICT;dan meletakan dasar-dasar untuk terciptanya kompetisi yang adil.
Pemerintah mengambil inisiatif dengan menyediakan dana untuk pembangunan infrastruktur. Peran pemerintah adalah memberikan visi kedepan dan meningkatkan kesadaran publik terhadap ekonomi digital. Dibawah kepemimpinan pemerintah yang kuat, e-Government telah menciptakan sebuah kebutuhan sektor kesehatan terhadap produk-produk dan layanan-layanan ICT. Pemerintah Korea juga telah mengalokasikan berbagai sumber daya dalam jumlah yang signifikan bagi dunia pendidikan untuk mengatasi masalah kesenjangan digital.
Kebijakan industrial ICT Korea sedari awal difokuskan pada R&D dan HRD. Peran pemerintah dalam Research & development terbilang kecil bila dibandingkan dengan sektor-sektor lain.
Akan tetapi dalam kasus CDMA, pemerintah Korea Selatan telah memainkan perannya yang krusial dalam mengkoordinasikan berbagai upaya dan tugas-tugas yang harus dilakukan dalam R&D di sektor pemerintah dan swasta. Contoh yang baik dalam hal ini adalah berbagai langkah dukungan yang diimplementasikan pada R&D di Small Medium Enterprise. Memperkuat para profesional ICT yang mampu mengikuti perkembangan keahlian ICT yang cepat selalu menjadi prioritas utama dan ini memberikan peningkatan daya kompetisi industri IT Korea secara signifikan.
Pemerintah Korea juga berhati-hati dan melaksanakan berbagai upaya agar memenuhi semua standar-standar global dalam privatisasi, liberalisasi pasar, dan kebijakan persaingan. Terutama terkait dengan visi Korea untuk menciptakan siklus bersinambung atau virtuous Cicle dengan fasilitas berbasis kompetisi yang telah menghasilkan keberhasilan dalam pembangunan di sektor pelayanan dimana sektor ini menghasilkan sebuah kebutuhan yang lebih besar terhadap perlengkapan berteknologi tinggi dan terminal-terminal, yang pada akhirnya menumbuhkan sektor manufaktur. Virtuous Cycle terus mengalami perbaikan dengan berbagai peraturan yang mendasari langkah-langkah pro terhadap persaingan.
Korea Information Society Development Institute, sejak pendiriannya pada tahun 1985 lampau, merupakan institut riset afiliasi pemerintah dan berkontribusi dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan dengan menyediakan riset kebijakan TI termuktahir selama 25 tahun terakhir.
Pada penghujung 1980-an, KISDI telah merekomendasikan kepada pemerintah untuk mulai
memperkenalkan kompetisi di pasar jasa telekomunikasi. Setelah akhirnya rekomendasi tersebut diterima dan dijalankan oleh pemerintah, maka konsumen mulai menikmati manfaat yang luar biasa dan industri menjadi sangat termotivasi untuk mempertajam daya kompetisinya.
Selama krisis finansial melanda Asia pada 1990-an, KISDI tampil dengan beragam rekomendasi kebijakan untuk menumbuh kembangkan usaha-usaha bisnis termasuk membentuk dana-dana pemodalan usaha dan mempromosikan kerjasama dunia bisnis dengan akademia. KISDI secara aktif mendukung pemerintah dalam pembangunan industri IT sehingga menjadi yang terdepan dalam ekspor sektor bisnis.
Usah-usaha semacam ini menjadi motor pertumbuhan ekonomi Korea Selatan yang berkelanjutan dimana ekspor peralatan-perlatan IT teknologi termuktahir seperti semi konduktor, telepon selular, LCD menjadi produk-produk yang memainkan peran penting. Penciptaan level bidang permainan menjadi elemen penting untuk mendorong kemampuan kompetisi industri telekomunikasi. KISDI didukung dengan berbagai kebijakan untuk menjamin kompetisi yang fair dalam pasar telepon selular, pemberian lisensi bagi operator-operator baru, memperluas kepemilikan asing pada fasilitas di sektor telekomuniksi, dan menjalankan quality assessment terhadap layanan-layanan telekomunikasi. Sejak 2001 KISDI telah memberikan konsultasi kebijakan bagi pejabat-pejabat pemerintah, para peneliti, pengusaha yang berasal dari lebih 80 negara terkait area-area telekomunikasi dam IT, berkolaborasi dengan World Bank.
KISDI berbangga dapat memberikan informasi vital terhadap berbagai pilihan dan membuat rekomendasi-rekomendasi kebijakan untuk pejabat-pejabat pemerintah dan para pemimpin industri di Korea dan luar negeri. KISDI hendak menjadi pionir di era konvergensi penyiaran dan telekomunikasi dan berkontribusi terhadap pendekatan ekonomi digital yang cepat. KISDI baru-baru ini telah meluaskan fokus risetnya dengan mencakup penyiaran. Kami akan terus bekerja baik secara domestik maupun internasional untuk melakukan riset yang lebih luas dan baik pada sistem penyiaran serta komunikasi dan kebijakan-kebijakan IT di masa mendatang. Best Practice pembuatan kebijakan IT Korea Selatan akan memberikan pencerahan yang tak ternilai pada pembuatan kebiajakn untuk Korea di masa mendatang sebagai sebuah adi daya IT.
(Suk-Ho Bang, President of Korea Information Society Development Institut-KISDI |koreaittimes.com | Alih Bahasa : Martin Simamora)
Uni Emirat Arab Gelar Workshop Cyber Crime
Pemerintah Uni Emirat Arab belum lama ini menggelar sebuah workshop yang melengkapi seluruh aparat penegak hukumnya dengan pengetahuan Cyber Crime, terutama bagaimana menangani barang bukti digital dan menekan berbagai aksi kriminal yang memanfaatkan internet.
Workshop ini, dilansir dari sify.com (3/11/2010) diselenggarakan oleh regulator telkomunikasi : Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) dan Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD). Pada waorkshop tersebut juga didiskusikan berbagai bentuk kejahatan cyber, metode-metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan barang bukti digital dan analisanya.
Beragam kejahatan elektronik seperti hacking pada komputer, internet dan telepon selular juga menjadi materi yang didiskusikan dalam workshop tersebut.
(sify.com | Martin Simamora)
Workshop ini, dilansir dari sify.com (3/11/2010) diselenggarakan oleh regulator telkomunikasi : Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) dan Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD). Pada waorkshop tersebut juga didiskusikan berbagai bentuk kejahatan cyber, metode-metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan barang bukti digital dan analisanya.
Beragam kejahatan elektronik seperti hacking pada komputer, internet dan telepon selular juga menjadi materi yang didiskusikan dalam workshop tersebut.
(sify.com | Martin Simamora)
Administrasi Publik,
Jumat, 05 November 2010
Peter Schiff: "US in process of collapsing"
As the US financial crisis continues, the G20 has started to take place in South Korea. Going into the meetings the US hopes to "rebalance" the world's economies. Peter Schiff from Euro Pacific Capital says for the US to continue its failed policy and blame other countries for what is an American problem makes no sense.
Administrasi Publik,
Kebijakan Publik
US : Crumbling Empire
The US has long prided itself on being an exceptional nation, a City Upon Hill and a beacon of democracy and progress the world over. Yet in education, healthcare and finance, the US is falling behind other developed and developing nations. Last week the US slipped to 49th place in terms of life expectancy, and ranks dead last among developed nations in terms of child well-being. Long dedicated to cultivating an educated, highly skilled workforce, the US is now behind Russia and South Korea in the number of citizens with Bachelor's degrees. So can the empire simply be in the eye of the beholder, or do Americans need to confront the harsh statistics about their lone superpower.
Administrasi Publik,
Kebijakan Publik
Ketika Politisi Turut Melakukan "Insider Trading"
A new Wall Street Journal report found that many Congressmen are taking advantage of insider knowledge of markets they have influence over to make a few extra bucks, sometimes in the tens of thousands of dollars. Filmmaker Francis Megahy describes how easy it is for former staffers to influence Congress by working for lobbyists and making up to a million dollars!
Skandal Seks, dari Presiden Hingga Politisi
It seems that there are more sex scandals among politicians than ever before. Except, getting caught cheating while in office no longer means your political career is over.
: RTAmerica
Kamis, 04 November 2010
Fraunhofer Focus : e-Government Exposure
eGovernment is a highly effective tool for the modernization of public administrations.
But which technologies should be used to bring public agencies, citizens and enterprises all together in one network? Which new concepts will really enable effective streamlining of administrative workflows in the future? And what about data security and issues of trust when it comes to handling administrative contact data on the Internet?
Administrasi Publik,
HID Global Terima Serifikasi "Common Criteria" Untuk Manufaktur eGovernment
HID Global, sebuah perusahaan ICT terpercaya dan terkemuka di dunia dalam penyediaan berbagai solusi secure identity, belum lama ini berhasil meraih sertifikasi untuk fasilitas manufaktur berbagai solusi e-Government di Galway Irlandia. HID mendapatkan sertifikasi prestisius dari Kantor Keamanan Informasi Pemerintah Federal Jerman (BSI).
BSI dilansir TMC (2/11),memberikan berbagai sertifikasi terhadap produk-produk yang memenuhi kesesuain dengan kriteria jaminan umum level EAL5+. Sertifikat bagi lokasi manufaktur e-Government Irlandia mencakup lingkungan-lingkungan inisialisasi dan produksi serta seluruh proses produk-produk identifikasi personal elektronim (eID), termasuk pembenaman RFID pada e-passports dan kartu-kartu identitas penduduk nir kontak (contactless card).
Kriteria Umum (Common Criteria) adalah serangkaian standar-standar keamanan yang sangat ketat, disetujui secara internasional yang menjamin evaluasi kapabilitas keamanan produk-produk teknologi yang ditujukan bagi pemerintah, betul-betul jelas dan dapat dipercaya, dan sertifikat-sertifikat bagi lokasi manufaktur dari BSI diakui oleh seluruh negara yang mengikuti ketentuan didalam sepesifikasi-spesifikasi Common Criteria.
Produk-produk HID antara lain; e-documnets, e-passport dan solusi-solusi kartu identitas penduduk elektronik, contactless e-documents, teknologi-teknologi; wire transfer dan wire embedding dengan 28 negara negara tujuan.
(it.tmcnet.com | Martin Simamora)
BSI dilansir TMC (2/11),memberikan berbagai sertifikasi terhadap produk-produk yang memenuhi kesesuain dengan kriteria jaminan umum level EAL5+. Sertifikat bagi lokasi manufaktur e-Government Irlandia mencakup lingkungan-lingkungan inisialisasi dan produksi serta seluruh proses produk-produk identifikasi personal elektronim (eID), termasuk pembenaman RFID pada e-passports dan kartu-kartu identitas penduduk nir kontak (contactless card).
Kriteria Umum (Common Criteria) adalah serangkaian standar-standar keamanan yang sangat ketat, disetujui secara internasional yang menjamin evaluasi kapabilitas keamanan produk-produk teknologi yang ditujukan bagi pemerintah, betul-betul jelas dan dapat dipercaya, dan sertifikat-sertifikat bagi lokasi manufaktur dari BSI diakui oleh seluruh negara yang mengikuti ketentuan didalam sepesifikasi-spesifikasi Common Criteria.
Produk-produk HID antara lain; e-documnets, e-passport dan solusi-solusi kartu identitas penduduk elektronik, contactless e-documents, teknologi-teknologi; wire transfer dan wire embedding dengan 28 negara negara tujuan.
(it.tmcnet.com | Martin Simamora)
Administrasi Publik,
KTP NIK Nasional
Selasa, 02 November 2010
Senin, 01 November 2010
Korupsi : Kanker Dunia?
On this edition of Peter Lavelle's CrossTalk, he asks his guests whether the term and concept "corruption" is being used inappropriately - after all, massive corruption exists under different names in the rich West, particularly in the US.
(Russia Today)
Gov2.0 : Demokratisasi Data & "user friendly"
creating a new culture for the US government and how it can empower citizens with information
Postingan (Atom)
Corruption Perceptions Index 2018
Why China is building islands in the South China Sea
World Economic Forum : Smart Grids Explained
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